The Fleckster
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  • To Cody Burwell AKA Beast 1210 continued:

    I would never expect to find any negative comments from you because I have given you no reason to post any, its that simple. I will delete all of this when you contact me and make things right by paying for your invoice and the parts you installed on your Scout Terra. The same parts that can be seen in your YouTube videos and trail pictures, etc. I have no problem promising that. All I want is for you to pay for the goods you bought. I don’t even want interest. Just pay your bill and we can go our separate ways or whatever. I hope this rings true because I am a man of my word and will keep my promise to you.
    To Cody Burwell AKA Beast 1210 continued:

    No one pays $150 more than they owe someone on an invoice, or says they will send a check if they don’t owe anything, etc. I didn't want to point that out, but it’s all logical and fact based truth.

    As to stopping use of my parts because of how I do business? What’s that supposed to mean Cody? My parts are used world wide, and I am highly respected in the International Harvester Community for what I have done and the support I give it. My parts are top notch and well regarded as the best on many forum boards. I conduct business honestly and with old school morals and values, so your claim is empty and baseless.

    continued next post
    TO CODY Burwell AKA Beast 1210 continued:

    As for JD, I spoke with him the other week. We are great friends and he says he has not heard from you in like 4-5 years. As to your incorrect recollection of the events, even though it has nothing to do with your unpaid bill. I paid him off that same year on the scout purchase. The motorcycle I traded him for partial payment worked fine for over a month and no one could have guessed the rear brake would lock up. JD does not hold me accountable for any of that just so you know. You say that you returned to my store to recoup some costs of what I owed you? I never owed you anything. Why would there have been a bill if I owed you something? Why would you send e-mails stating you owed me for the parts and were sending a check? Why would you say you over paid what you owed me by about $150? No one does that Cody.

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    Dear Cody,
    You gave me a credit card number to hold on to till you could return to Seattle and send me a check. After a few weeks of not getting the check, we tried to run your card. It turns out you gave Joe (my office MGR) your WAMU banking card number that was not a Credit card or debt number. You e-mailed me (I still have it) and apologized and said your screwed up and things got crazy with work and never sent the check. You promised to send a check and thanked us for being understanding. That check was never sent. Then you disappeared.

    continued in next post
    John, I remember giving you cash down and transferred the rest through your bank of america account for a total of 850.00. That should have more than covered the invoice you are referring too. I wish you wouldnt bring JD into this , if I remember you still owed him money for his scout and gave him a motorcycle that almost killed him as partial payment. The only reason I returned to your store was to try to recoup some costs of what you owed me. My hope is we can put this behind us, and go our own ways. I have stopped using your parts because of the way you conduct business. I have never made negative comments about you on any forums, I believe people can make their own judgement. I would like you to delete your posting of my full name and comments. Thanks
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