Search results

  1. rockandroll

    What to look for on the 1st generation Xterras? (2002-04, OR, SE, XE)

    Gents, After looking at early 2000s 4Runners, Cherokees, Monteros, Explorers, etc., Xterra is my #1. They seem to be currently undervalued when compared to the competition. My question is what should I look out for? I'm new to Nissan and I've done a few hours of searching and can't quite...
  2. rockandroll

    Removing mold/mildew from the *inside* of camper canvas

    Thanks Stan. You have done a 1,000% better job at helping me than Palomino. One day we'll take a FWC somewhere exotic.
  3. rockandroll

    Removing mold/mildew from the *inside* of camper canvas

    Hey all, After living out of our Palomino Bronco pop-up for 15 months some mildew and mold is starting to stain the inside of our camper. We very seldom put her way wet so this seems to just have formed from poor ventilation while sleeping. We only have issues around the sleeping platform...
  4. rockandroll

    My Grand Vacation begins

    What great pictures!
  5. rockandroll

    Tundra 4WD TRD with Bronco 800 Pop-up Camper; Expedition Ready in Bueno Aires

    It is current and registered in California. Unfortunately the Dakar Rally coincides with the much anticipated Patagonia portion of our trip, so no December delivery is not an option. Thanks for your questions.
  6. rockandroll

    unURBAN Adventures - Alaska to Argentina to AFRICA!

    Damn. You have us over here at PanAm Notes very excited for that last leg. I'll shoot you an email soon to get your routing suggestions. Awesome story telling and awesome picture taking. Look forward to seeing you in a couple months!
  7. rockandroll

    Notes From the PanAmerican

    Bolivia Part 1 (of two) Our 1.5 month route through Bolivia We entered Bolivia from Peru and our first night on the shores of Lake Titicaca had us buzzing with excitement. Bolivia could easily be considered the wildest place in the Americas. An overlander's heaven, Bolivia is often referred...
  8. rockandroll

    Tundra 4WD TRD with Bronco 800 Pop-up Camper; Expedition Ready in Bueno Aires

    You heard it hear first, ExPo. I had tried to sell it at the European pricing first with no luck. Now available at US pricing, my beloved Tundra and Camper. I drove it from California to Argentina without so much as a flat tire and she is is ready for another go around (or two). Here's a...
  9. rockandroll

    Notes From the PanAmerican

    Peru was a surprise for us - so much to see and do. We loved it and already want to go back! Thanks for your comment.
  10. rockandroll

    Notes From the PanAmerican

    The Last of Peru Heading out from the Jungle and Cusco we took our time taking the back road to Arequipa and the world's 2nd largest canyon, Colca Canyon. Camping on the Peruvian altiplano at 14,000ft The road to Arequipa took us over mountain passes in excess of 15,000ft! Bush camp #2...
  11. rockandroll

    San Francisco to Ushuaia in an 87 4Runner.

    ¡Buen Viaje! If you do Baja don't miss Playa Tecalote outside of La Paz. It was described to us as a "real life Corona commercial" and didn't disappoint. It's free boondocking and described in the Church's camping guide
  12. rockandroll

    Notes From the PanAmerican

    Cusco, Camping Quinta Lala, and the Jungle Boogie Saying goodbye to my parents, we head to the old overlander favorite, Camping Quinta Lala outside of Cusco. Arriving at Quinta Lala and guess who was there camping? We spent a week catching up with old friends and making new ones. Each day...
  13. rockandroll

    Notes From the PanAmerican

    Machu Picchu & Cusco round #1 Here are some pictures of our journey to Cusco and Machu Picchu during phase two of our break from overlanding. Fear not, Next up we return to the land of overlanding and arrive at Camping Quinta Lala, an old overlander favorite. The road to Cusco Our...
  14. rockandroll

    unURBAN Adventures - Alaska to Argentina to AFRICA!

    Nostalgia Loved the Salar update. Cannot wait to get out there. It's raining here in La Paz, so I'm browsing your USA posts via the blog over coffee. Leading me to be nostalgic for the states. You chose a great route! I'd like to do the exact same when we get back.
  15. rockandroll

    Notes From the PanAmerican

    Peru Mountaineering After the Canyon Del Pato we arrived in Huaraz where our non-overlander friends would fly in to join us for the start of our 5 week break from overlanding. First up, 7 days in the Cordillera Blanca knocking out three peaks: Tocllaraju at 19,790 feet. We would also climb...
  16. rockandroll

    Notes From the PanAmerican

    We're back! / Canyon Del Pato Peru After a 5 week "vacation" with friends and family visiting us in Peru we're back on ExPo and regular web updates! Enjoy, Canyon Del Pato (Peru) After making our way through the altitude wonder known as Black Mud Pass (our route into Peru), we were more...
  17. rockandroll

    Notes From the PanAmerican

    Thanks for this solid advice. The "after" aspect of the trip has not yet hit us yet, but we do have a lot of thinking and planning to do and this right here is brain food.
  18. rockandroll

    unURBAN Adventures - Alaska to Argentina to AFRICA!

    Greetings from all the way across the Quinta LaLa Campground! Great pics.
  19. rockandroll

    To the Arctic Ocean via the Dalton Road

    :Wow1::Wow1::Wow1: Glad you two made it out of there safe! Goes to show you how quickly things can change in a place like Colombia!
  20. rockandroll

    Notes From the PanAmerican

    RMP&O is right here. A lot of the costs I listed are gearing up an expedition rig. Insurance, both vehicle (except Mexico and such) and health are optional. If you've got a Baja ready rig and are ready for a long term adventure, just plan for $80/day (total costs, 2 people) and get going...