Beagle - Rescue


Hey guys,

Someone at my office found this pup a week ago. They've posted adds but no response. So this pup needs a new home. He seems to be well trained (no accidents, and good on a leash). I think he's between 1 an 1 -1/2 years old and hes not fixed. Super cute. Here's some pics. Would prefer someone to pick him up. And since I'm all about finding a good dog a good home, he's free. Most everyone on this forum are good people that I would trust. And no I'm not going to take him to a non-profit rescue (we all know how I feel about that):)





Appalachian Ridgerunner
That's one cute Beagle. I've been pondering about gettin' a rabbit chaser one of these days, but unforunately he's on the wrong coast. Hope you can find a home for the little bugger.


if he was on the east coast, he would have a home to go to. good luck finding him a nice family to live with!


Expedition Leader
Another bump to keep this near the top. I had a 15 inch female Beagle that I miss. She was a sweet heart. I'm also on the other coast but if your near LBC an are thinking about it these are great pets. If you do get him, get him fixed as that is probably why he's lost. These dogs will follow a scent to the gates of hell and are known to get lost in the chance.


Yep I had him scanned. But seeing as he hasn't been fixed yet my thought was he wasn't chipped. Also looked for tat's but again nothing. To bad I hope some little kid isn't missing their pup for Christmas. I know I would be missing my pup.

Ford Prefect

Expedition Leader
If owned my home I would take that beautiful dog off your hands. I wish I could. Would be worth the drive out there to pick it up. Then again, who knows, can you ship a dog? hehe

Good luck.

Did you try posting this thing on Criagslist out there? In Utah people are always doing that.


I'm afraid of posting him on Craigslist. Here in the great city of Los Angeles, scrupulous folks are always "adopting" bait dogs. I wanted to keep this pup safe and in a community of people I trust.

He needs a new home folks the landlord is gettn' P.O.'ed.

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