Cones or Retainers


Just wondering the Expo take on the age old question of cones or retainers for the rear springs on the Discovery/RRC. I have read quite a bit on various land rover specific sites, but it seems that most of the people only want mega flex....I am leaning towards retainers for better stability on off camber trails, roads etc.

My current set up is OME HD springs with OME shocks.

What are you thoughts?


Camp Ninja

Are you running aftermarket rear links? You shouldn't need cones or retainers with your current set up with factory links. I have a set-up like yours and my springs didn't start un-seating until after I changed the links, at which time I went with retainers.

I'm sure other folks will have better reasons for why one should go with one over the other but I will offer my reasoning. I went with retainers because I like the idea of a secured spring. I also wasn't looking to improve my already good flex just to get photo-op flex. I know that there are instances where mega flex can be useful, but not for my needs. I had also been on trips with people running cones and I never liked the noise or the loud clunk when the spring is re-seating itself. I guess it all boils down to what you are building your truck for.


Thanks for the input guys, I had pretty much decided on retainers and after reading your responses it definitely solidified my decision. Which retainers would you suggest?
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EE has some good ones, as well as Rovertym i believe... AB also would have them i believe.

it seems expedition exchanges are pretty good..

Michael Slade

x 100 on making your own.

The ones on my RRC are made out of climbing rope...the ones on the CrewCab are out of 1/4 inch plate. Neither have failed.


It's pretty simple.

Duplicate what is already retaining the lower part of the spring (replace those too). On the top in the rear, use two plates to create a "spring/spring perch" sandwich by bolting them together, you can use big nuts or some pieces of pipe to prevent the sandwich from pulling together too much in the middle.
If you have a welder handy weld the nuts to the top plate so you don't have to hold them.

If I recall correctly the plates need to 6.5" long and the holes are 2.75" apart with the pattern centered in the plate.

When you bolt them down after threading them into the spring they'll bend and do all sorts of wierd stuff but that okay.

Install the upper retainers parallel to the bottom, that way you're sure the tire won't rub on them when you are flexing.


I put a set of EE retainers on my truck because I had the spring pop out several times on my Range Rover Classic. I didn't like all the noise the cones made and figure that by adjusting my line I can usually keep the wheels on the ground and won't need the extra articulation.

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