Disabled Explorers Reno Meet and Greet, February 13


Disabled Explorers will be bringing the Wheelchair Accessible Van for Expeditions to the Reno, Nevada area in February. We've been invited to introduce our organization and our programs at the annual conference of the National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association from February 10 through the 13, 2010.

Unfortunately, that event is not open to the public. So we are planning an evening event to meet members of the ExPo community and give you a chance to see the WAVE project vehicle in person.

The date is Saturday, February 13. Time will be the early evening. The location will most likely be a restaurant somewhere in the Reno area. We have several places in mind and will make a final selection based on the number of people who plan to attend.

The event will be family friendly and mostly social. We will talk a bit about our outreach programs and our plans for the year. Dinner and drinks will be no-host, unless we find a restaurant who wants to support our programs by donating their costs.

If you would like to join us, just respond in this thread. We'll update with details as they become available.

We are also planning a very small backcountry adventure during the day on that same Saturday. To minimize impact, this will be limited to less than a half-dozen vehicles and invitees will be drawn from our list of donors. Look for more details on that soon.

We hope to see you in Northern Nevada in just a couple of weeks.
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Excellent. Looking forward to seeing you again. You're going to enjoy seeing the WAVE.

No worries, mate. There will be plenty of other opportunities.

Who else is interested?


Likes to Drive and Ride
I think we will be able to make it :)

And I think Spresso and 24HRS are planning as well.

Have a location picked out?


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
I have it down in my calendar.

Just confirm where and when.

I'll have a AT Can Holder to raffle off, and a few smaller T shirts to tempt people with.


Likes to Drive and Ride

I know and like Loius', the food and family style eats might be great for our group. Not sure the parking lot/area for the Wave?

I have never heard of the M&M Shack, but just read some reviews that say the food is terrific! Sounds low-key, informal, and tasty :)

Surely either could work or any other place you guys decide.


Top contenders at the moment are:

M&M Fish and Chicken Shack on Mill Street


Louis' Basque Corner on 4th Street


Thanks to everyone for your interest. It should be a very fun evening.

I've updated the first post with a link to the announcement of our Reno-area backcountry fundraiser picnic. That event happens during the day on Saturday, February 13 and has just four opportunities to join the fun and see the WAVE out in the dirt right here in Northern Nevada. Those four opportunities will go to folks who make cash donations to Disabled Explorers in the next few days.

Hope to see you at one or both of these fun events.


We're on for dinner Saturday night.

5:30 PM


M and M Fish and Chicken Shack
3080 Mill Street, Reno

Near the Grand Sierra Resort, on Mill Street, just east of Terminal Way (Greg Street).

See you there.

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