Help with a Garmin 60 CSx decision....


I have a new in the box 60CSx. It came with window mount, dash mount, external window ant., pelican case, and California map chip. At first I was going to sell it, but I see prices all over the board from 199 (never can seem to reach this site) to 350 and everywhere in between. I would keep it, but I already have this same unit. While trying to find a realistic price, I started to read about how good some folks think this unit is. Now I am thinking I should just keep it as a back up to the one I currently use. Money is not really an issue, so what do you guys think? Should I keep it or sell it?




Expedition Leader
I have one- and a newerish 270

I travel with both - the 270 runs specific nicads- the 60 just AA's

any trip out in the boonies its the 60 with some extra batts- had the earlier version too - never had an issue

Not sure the latest models are as robust - for me its a keeper


Its a keeper!

I have one issued to me through my employer, I have used it throughout NA, Afghanistan, and Africa. When we looked in to which GPS to purchase the 60CSX came up as the one with the best reception and was described as the "Workin mans" GPS. I have navigated through serious terrain in all weather conditions. I have trusted my life to it and it has never let me down. Sorry I am not too familiar with the newer technology but the model you listed is bomb proof. IMHO.


Put it in your bug out bag.

I have been looking at these recently.

We are planning a trip across Central Asia/Siberia next year and I was going to run our tablet PC mounted to the dash but last year we used a 76CSX on the windscreen through West Africa and it worked really well!

Now im thinking of doing the same using open street map for navigating and scraping the tablet idea. It has been great in the UK using OS maps but its a little bulky for navigating outside of congested EU countries.

What do people think of the 76csx? Its a lot cheaper than the 60csx here in the uk (used)



Thanks for all the help guys...I will probably list it and see what happens. I have too much stuff in the truck/garage as it is.

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