my 3 yr olds photo walk


so the kids were driving my wife nuts on sunday so I gay each of them a camera and took them for a walk around the yard and nieghborhood. I was pleasantly surprised at the quality and content on a lot of the pictures my 3 year old son took. The first is one I took of Kyson bending tubing for me in the garage.


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Ah I love these, I usually hand my 8 yr old daughter a camera when we go camping. It's really cool to see the world in the eyes of a child.


Expedition Leader
Awesome. We always let them take photos of us, but I never really thought of letting them go wild with it.


Expedition Leader
My daughter has taken some surprisingly good pictures, but has also dropped the camera one too many times - it died.


Expedition Leader
Thats awesome. I gave my son a 8 mp camera when he was 6, I found it for a good price and he took ownership of that thing and takes it with him everywhere. Too many parents are too restrictive with their kids creativity these days, even though it's tough at times I try and let my kids dabble with things that some would consider too dangerous, such as welding, my son is 8 now and has a good grasp of whats going on and how to use my welder. With tools especially I try to back off and let them try things.

Good on ya for letting him have that freedom.


New member
We gave our oldest a $100 digital when he was 3. I went to a camera store and found a digital that the lens didn't extend when it was turned on. That was my only requirement for it. Well that and it had to be better than that piece of junk fisher price digital.

He is now 7 and has taken over 1500 pics. Our oldest girl (6) has taken quite a few too. The camera has gotten to the point where it drains the batteries way too fast. Until then it was always out and they could get it without asking. Probably time to get them a new one.

It is really interesting to see the world through their eyes. He can take pics of his brother and his sisters that we can not get and they are always at their level. They have taken pics of flowers, self portraits by holding the camera as far away as they could, feet, noses, carpet, walls, legos and lincoln logs, out the window of cars, and even held the camera upside down over their head to take pics of the person in the seat behind them.

All priceless


We throw fresh batteries in our old Kodak pns digital camera and give it to my eight year old. Last time we went to Yellowstone, he turned out better pictures then I did. he was having so much fun, he sacrificed the batteries from the gameboy when his batteries died. Now, that says something.

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