My best trip to the hospital report


My pediatrician calls the other day saying that he may have finally found a specialist that can answer some questions about my daughters illness... Can I be there in 8 days? he asks.

Oh yes I can, thank God, its about time.

My daughter happened to be doing very well the last few days, but the doctors around here didn't know why she was going up and down, and it had become an ominous weight smothering our life. She is not much disabled, but she gets deathly ill and her left arm is not keeping up with the other. They know her blood and urine labs are off the charts, but not how or why.

She had beaten long bouts of sickness before with full life support, but I didn't know where this condition was ultimately going to take her.

I didn't have much control of the situation so I resolved to make sure that no matter what, this girl lived a real life and enjoyed this world. The outdoors called and we came.

No movies, no TV, no play lands, Just a lot of outdoor exploring and side by side time - without the interruptions and disconnects of modern life.

No strangers to adventure, we were packed and ready 2 hrs after the phone call, and on our way to Salt lake primary children's hospital via dirt roads and 8 days.

A brief discussion ensued before our departure on what vehicle to take. She wanted to take her Mattel made FJ, but I was stubborn on the Tacoma

Pintler Mountains in Montana


Getting into Idaho, This is the City of Rocks

Utah, NW of a big salty lake


Moab area


We eventually had to head back up to Salt lake for the appointment.

It turned out great, the doctor had tremendous insight on what and how things happened and a really good outlook for treatment. Long story short, some of her organs didn't develop properly due to a massive heart condition and swelling as a newborn. The swelling was caused by all the medications, blood transfusions, and fluids that were pumped into her right after birth and for weeks there after. She nearly doubled in size which caused pressure inside her to cut off the blood flow to parts of her organs. She was getting weird infections because of this but not the proper meds to deal with it so now it should be a whole new story, and it has been!
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Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
A touching story. Glad you finally got to the bottom of it all. Now y'all can face the future without worrying about the unknown. Best of luck to you and your family.


Expedition Leader
Best of luck ! and good news

I can't image the heartache of having an ill little one

Harald Hansen

Great news! I admit to choking up after reading the beginning of your post and scrolling down to see your girl's happy grin.


Thanks for the nice words! I was hesitant to post a family matter type tear jerker, but I hoped it would illustrate how important it is to share the real world with your family.

There are two things nobody can print or make more of; Time and Land. Therefore, the richest thing a person can do is spend time with the land.

I'm really greatfull for the folks here that do that, and inspire others to do the same.

If my daughter had to grow up mainstream with a bunch of barbie types, her gimped arm and scars would hold her down. Instead she may learn what the world really is and the real nature of beauty:)


I'm so glad your daughter is making progress. Your love and commitment to her is obvious and touching.

Just one thought/suggestion...drugs can work miracles and they can also create nightmares. Do your own extensive research on the drugs the doctors are prescribing for your daughter. There is so much info on the internet...some good, some bad...but educate/inform yourself the best you can. Obviously, I don't know your physician and if your daughter is improving that's wonderful. But the long term effects of some drugs and their combinations can be devastating. The orientation of many physicians is "drugs, drugs, drugs" and then more drugs to counteract undesirable side effects.
I'm sure I'm not saying anything you're not aware of...but the pics of your little girl prompted me to make these comments.

Deleted member 9101

Thats awesome man!!!! what a better place what world would be if more Dads like you were around!!!!!

Deleted member 9101

It turned out great, the doctor had tremendous insight on what and how things happened and a really good outlook for treatment. Long story short, some of her organs didn't develop properly due to a massive heart condition and swelling as a newborn. The swelling was caused by all the medications, blood transfusions, and fluids that were pumped into her right after birth and for weeks there after. She nearly doubled in size which caused pressure inside her to cut off the blood flow to parts of her organs. She was getting weird infections because of this but not the proper meds to deal with it so now it should be a whole new story, and it has been!

That's great news my friend!!!! If all goes right you will see the most miraculous thing in our universe, the ability of a child's body to recover from its ailments and emerge healthy and strong!


I'm so glad your daughter is making progress. Your love and commitment to her is obvious and touching.

Just one thought/suggestion...drugs can work miracles and they can also create nightmares. Do your own extensive research on the drugs the doctors are prescribing for your daughter. There is so much info on the internet...some good, some bad...but educate/inform yourself the best you can. Obviously, I don't know your physician and if your daughter is improving that's wonderful. But the long term effects of some drugs and their combinations can be devastating. The orientation of many physicians is "drugs, drugs, drugs" and then more drugs to counteract undesirable side effects.
I'm sure I'm not saying anything you're not aware of...but the pics of your little girl prompted me to make these comments.

That is very important advise, I completely agree and thank you for bringing it up. Nearly everything has some side effect, its just a matter of whether it has been discovered and published. Due to the complexity of medicine its nearly impossible to quantify the effects in many cases, so the risk to benefit ratio can be misleading.

My daughter has received excellent care at Primary childrens in Salt Lake, but locally they try to mold her into what they feel a patient should be, which is a short visit, no research, throw drugs at it, and repeat. Works for their billing department but not for her.

I've noticed a major difference in providers that are involved with research universities, the care, compassion and team work is beyond what I thought humanly possible.

The providers that team only with drug companies have an entirely different ethic, and I can't believe what they do to peoples lives.


Obviously being in Utah we hear a lot about Primary Children's but it doesn't surprise me that they found out a great deal more than your normal doctor. They are world renown in their amazing ability to find answers that nobody else can.

Is she going to be treated there? If so or if you plan on spending a lot of time in Utah, speak up. There are plenty of us here who would be more than willing to help out in anyway we can. Even if it's just an ear to talk to while things are going down.

Good luck and great story!


Thank you for sharing this story. I tend to forget how lucky I am to have two healthy young girls that keep me on my toes. You have inspired me to spend more quality time with them before they "outgrow" there old man.

Mr. D

I am happy that things are improving for your little angel, thoughts and prayers are being sent her way.

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