Need support for the not-so-happy-homemaker


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We are still grieving over the death of our son from a freak accident when we were having our kayak adventure. Because of this tragedy, we did not ever returned to our usual outdoor family adventures. I am planning to bring this back to our system. In honor of Sammy. I believe that we should never stop in going out. Sammy would not like that either. But i don't know how to proceed. Any help would be appreciated.....


Our neighbors went through this. We watched from the outside looking in. All I can tell you is that the main thing that helped our neighbors is finding someone that went through the same experience. It was tough for them and still is but having others understanding what happened helps.

Check out She went through the same thing and just almost lost another son due to a car accident. It helps to talk to those who have gone through it.

I hope you find peace on your Journey.

The Artisan

We are still grieving over the death of our son from a freak accident when we were having our kayak adventure. Because of this tragedy, we did not ever returned to our usual outdoor family adventures. I am planning to bring this back to our system. In honor of Sammy. I believe that we should never stop in going out. Sammy would not like that either. But i don't know how to proceed. Any help would be appreciated.....

I have never dealt with your situation. But when my dad passed away there are things I do that reminds me of him of things we used to do together. I am sure you guys had great times together. Is there place that Sammy wanted to go? if so maybe start there. Create new memories in honor of him.


New member
Thank you all for the kind words. Me and my husband went to therapy because of our depression. We are taking one step at a time. But still the memory is so freash that the pain can paralyze me for days. I also found some support when I started chatting with some other parents. This article helped me start it.

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