Overland Journal photo contest


Attention Expedition Portal members!

Sportsmobile will be holding a contest involving our full page ads in the Overland Journal. We are looking for picture submissions of your Sportsmobile for use in the quarterly editions and the gear guide issue of the Overland Journal. We will be using a new photo for each new ad. Many of you have seen "Two Lost's" rig in the winter edition.

We are looking for a great "Spring themed" photo of your Sportsmobile for the next issue. Photos will be reviewed by a distinguished panel of judges and a selection will be made based on whatever quailifications they deem fit.

The winning submission will be awarded a $100 credit to the Sportsmobile store, photo credit, and more importantly bragging rights at the next meet and greet!

Scott Brady also said he will sweeten the pot with a 1 year subscription to the Overland Journal!

Please e-mail submissions to j.feld@sportsmobile.com. Photos can be submitted in low-res...but we will need a hi-res copy of the winning photo for use in the magazine. Please limit your submission to 5 photos per Sportsmobiler.

The deadline to submit your photos is February 14th.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks in advance for your participation!



We have a winner!

Congratulations to Chris and Ginger for winning the first Sportsmobile Overland Journal ad photo contest!

Here you can see the winning photo for the Overland Journal Spring edition. It is a great shot of their SMB showing what it can do.

We will start taking submissions for the summer edition so please e-mail any photos of your Sportsmobile with "summer" in mind. Remember, the winning entry gets a $100 gift certificate to the Sportsmobile store! Send your entries to j.feld@sportsmobile.com. Good luck!

Happy Trails!



  • journalad1.JPG
    397.8 KB · Views: 178


Hey!! Thats me. :ylsmoke:

Thanks Sportsmobile West.

That was one of our all time favorite trips. Three weeks in the Colorado mountain tops covering the Loop and vacinity.

Thanks again.



Received the $100 gift card and copy of the journal. I should of mentioned I already have a subscription, maybe Scott B. will just extend it.

Thanks Jonny/Sportsmobile West. :wings:

hmmmm! Wonder what would make a great SMB summer shot.......:sombrero:


Attention Expedition Portal members!

Sportsmobile will be holding a contest involving our full page ads in the Overland Journal. We are looking for picture submissions of your Sportsmobile for use in the quarterly editions and the gear guide issue of the Overland Journal. We will be using a new photo for each new ad. Many of you have seen "Two Lost's" rig in the winter edition.

We are looking for a great "Spring themed" photo of your Sportsmobile for the next issue. Photos will be reviewed by a distinguished panel of judges and a selection will be made based on whatever quailifications they deem fit.

The winning submission will be awarded a $100 credit to the Sportsmobile store, photo credit, and more importantly bragging rights at the next meet and greet!

Scott Brady also said he will sweeten the pot with a 1 year subscription to the Overland Journal!

Please e-mail submissions to j.feld@sportsmobile.com. Photos can be submitted in low-res...but we will need a hi-res copy of the winning photo for use in the magazine. Please limit your submission to 5 photos per Sportsmobiler.

The deadline to submit your photos is February 14th.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks in advance for your participation!

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Hey Chris,

Thank you for the awesome photo! I'm sure you have some good ideas for a summer photo.

Another forum member commented on the ad and said, "Well shoot, look at that picture! I never stood a chance in that contest...what a great shot!"

All the Best,



Summer Overland Jornal photo contest

Well, this deadline snuck up on me so I apologize for the late notice. We are taking photo submissions for the Sportsmobile ad in the Summer edition of the Overland Journal.

I need all photos submitted no later than this Wednesday. Check through your photo library and see if you can find that picture that captures your Sportsmobile in a great "Summer" setting.

The winning photo will receive a $100 gift certificate to the Sportsmobile Store.

Please send all submissions to j.feld@sportsmobile.com

Thanks and good luck!


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