Power Inverter Questions


Tried the search function and couldn't come up with a answer. I'm looking to add a power inverter to my truck, 2007 Toyota Tacoma Double Cab, but I'm not sure what I need. I need something to charge phones, cameras and the occasional laptop. Can I just go down to the local auto parts place and grab one of those and be fine? I'd like to mount it and hard wire it so I don't have to plug it in. Can I just run a secondary fuse box from the battery and hook this to it?

Is there a formula to determine what size inverter I need? Anything else I should know that might save me some headache?



This Space For Rent

P=Watts (what the inverter is rated for)
I=Current drawn by the devices you want to use
V=Voltage (Use 120 as the default number)

Laptop chargers are usually rated in Watts anyway, so you can just look at that and make a determination. That would probably be your largest power draw. You need to add all the wattages of the stuff you plan on using AT THE SAME TIME and then decide what you need. I have a 400W inverter in my rig and it does all the charging I need for two laptops and camera batteries. If you want to run tools, lights, etc in addition to charging, you'll need something bigger.

Spend as much as you can afford for a quality unit.


Thanks for the information. I doubt I'll be using any tools from it, maybe a light but nothing that should draw too much on it. Are there any brands that are better than others?


Thanks for the information. I doubt I'll be using any tools from it, maybe a light but nothing that should draw too much on it. Are there any brands that are better than others?

I don't know much about brands but I do know that it is better to get one that has a true Sine wave vs one that has a Modified Sine wave..

Some threads that may help you out..




If you talk to Duncan (DNFXDLI) he order and set you up with anythimg you might need..


Little bit more info..

I PM'd Duncan asking about this and this was the reply I got..

dragogt said:
Dude is asking about a power inverter for his truck, I posted what little I know; And linked some threads from here, but I think you could be of assistance to the site as a whole..


I can answer here for the time being...feel free to copy/paste...
If he wants a straight inverter with no charge capabilty, then a Samex true sine wave is his best bet.
SA series are a good all round unit:
Things to consider are expected load, primary wiring, battery type and size, load calculation..etc.
Figure out what you want to run first of all and don't screw around with a modified square wave unit.
You want to keep your primary supply cable large and as short as possible, Class K welding cable is by far the best stuff to use.
Don't expect to run an inverter from a normal car starting battery, get an AGM...not a gel...an AGM, either Lifeline or Deka.
Do not screw around with diode isolators...even the best Schottky diodes have forward voltage drop lowering the terminal voltage the battery sees.
You need to size that battery preferably to a 50% depth of discharge or more...meaning that you do not want to draw the inverter battery down to more than 50% of it's capacity..which will of course vary depending on the size of you battery bank.
Keep in mind that typical efficiency runs round 90%....so when you are doing your calculations, this must be taken into consideration.
Here are some informative links:





Thanks for all the help. I've got a lot of reading to do. I really didn't think it was that in-depth so I'm glad I asked.

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