Wheelchair offroad adapter spotted


Expedition Leader
My mother had Polio when she was 6, and even though she hardly let it slow her down, I’ve always been fascinated by aids for the disabled.

I was watching some re-runs of the TV show ‘Junkyard Wars’ last night and their ‘judge’ for the episode was a guy who invented a really cool add-on that turned a normal wheelchair into an off-road trike.

Basically it was a motorized steering wheel and handlebar unit that could be attached to the front of a standard (slightly modified) wheelchair. When the unit was attached it turned the wheelchair into a trike, lifting the wheelchair's front wheels up a few inches to get them out of the way.

The user had a special fitting under the seat of the wheelchair that the device connected to. He initially connected it such that it was rotated 90* (wheel on the left, handlebars on the right). Then he grabbed the wheelchair wheels and rotated the wheelchair to the left (and probably wheelied a little). When he did this the add-on mechanism rotated upright, and held the front wheels of the chair off the ground.

It looked to be electric drive, and I’m guessing you would want the batteries semi-permanently mounted under the wheelchair seat.

The short video clip that they showed made it look really cool, and fairly capable off-road wise. Sorry, but my quick googling didn’t produce any hits. I just thought I’d share what I know here in case there is anybody interested.

Oh, and it was actually the British version of Junkyard Wars, which I think they call ‘Scrapyard wars’. The episode where the challenge was to build an amphibious motorcycle. I didn’t catch the name of the inventor.


Expedition Leader
OK, I did a little more searching this PM, and I'm pretty sure that this one is the one I saw on TV:


From this site.

It looked even cooler in the TV clip. I think if it were me, I'd rig up a battery holder under the seat, though.
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Lynn said:
I think if it were me, I'd rig up a battery holder under the seat, though.

They probably put it above the front wheel to help put a little more weight on it for more traction, being that its front wheel drive.

Seems like it would be a lot more practical if it drove the rear wheels, where most of the weight is located.

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