Where can I shoot?


Well-known member
I grew up in a serious gun family and was a gun owner at 5 years old and shot all kinds of guns except high powered rifles. The guns I grew up with burned in a fire and I had not fired a gun for over 30 years. I had bought a 22 rifle and a 9mm pistol recently and want to take it with me in my RV. Since I live in Wyoming, I believe my Wyoming Drivers License is essentially a concealed carry permit in all but a few states.

So my concerns are:
How do i secure or legally carry a gun in the other states? Would a trigger lock and separation of gun and ammo make me legal?

What is the proper way to shoot while boondocking?


Part time fulltimer
I believe RV's are a special case since they can be considered actual homes on wheels - so I haven't checked recently but having firearms in your RV (may) be legal as you drive around the continental US.

That does not mean you can carry them around outside your RV.

Also your WY driver's license will not have any legal meaning RE: firearms outside of WY I don't think. Some states may have reciprocity with WY in that way but I'd guess a minority!

Time for some legal education before you cross state lines!


Officious Intermeddler
That's not a question- that's 49 rather involved sets of questions.

You need to look up the actual laws in each of the states that you intend to visit.

Best answer...pretty much exactly what he said.

And I’m certainly not mocking you for asking these very important questions.

You might start here:
This guide should have good updated info about transportation of guns in vehicles for every state
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Officious Intermeddler
Also your WY driver's license will not have any legal meaning RE: firearms outside of WY I don't think. Some states may have reciprocity with WY in that way but I'd guess a minority!

Exactly! For example, as a (non-felon, not certified nuts) resident of the great state of Arizona, I can CC or open carry without concern of getting a CCW permit (although it’s still generally a good idea to obtain one). With my state issued CCW permit, I may be granted reciprocity in some other states... but my AZ DL alone would not on its own give me the same privilege.
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Part time fulltimer
I never had an issue and had a firearm in my RV as I traveled all over the US, and did some research before that trip that reassured me that it was legal - but the research is fuzzy now and things may have changed. It truly was my home and I had no other address or home at the time.

Also have multiple state concealed carry permits and only carried in those states or those that had reciprocity.

As far as where to shoot? I just made sure I was pretty remote, nobody else was around to be alarmed or annoyed by the noise, on public land, and the standard practice of making sure I had a good backstop for the target, and left no trace when I was done.


Well-known member
That's not a question- that's 49 rather involved sets of questions.

You need to look up the actual laws in each of the states that you intend to visit.

I was under the impression my Wy DL gave me a CCL and therefore reciprocity, but just checked and it does not. So I need to look into getting my CCL and then studying the state laws of where i am traveling.


Well-known member
I was under the impression my Wy DL gave me a CCL and therefore reciprocity, but just checked and it does not.

Yes- that was going to be my next post.

Sounds like you're off to a good start as far as researching this stuff... :)


Officious Intermeddler
I found this interesting, about transporting and whether an RV is a home. Looks like it is subject the same as a car as far as needing only probable cause to search while on the road.

Well done! You’re on the right track here...

It’s very arguable (in court after one has been arrested and charged) whether the Castle Doctrine covers you in an RV. It likely does NOT but if IRRC there may be a case or two where some person is living full time in their RV, doesn’t have a home in any state, and has argued somewhat successfully that Castle applies to them because their RV is truly their sole home.

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