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  1. S

    Cook Partner stove FAQ / Master thread

    For a while I'd used a Rubbermaid Brute container. I could pack cast iron griddle and a deep-skillet, and all other necessary cooking items into the bottom half, and with two 1x pine board supports crosswise, the 22inch Cook Partner just fit perfectly. complete cooking kit, just too heavy. Now I...
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    Cook Partner stove FAQ / Master thread

    the stove stand is a perfect height for my 22 inch. have one aluminum plate in front of stove on stand, or, i've cut 1x pine boards that work pretty good. i've used the boards such that i could swivel the stove to adjust for windy condition. here is picture of last use, stand still in bag in truck.
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    AT Tacoma Habitat: Official Thread

    perhaps you have seen these small metal ITW G-Hook from mil spec monkey. i got the idea from Moogle, who had his oem clips snapped in high wind DV.
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    AT Tacoma Habitat: Official Thread

    OK good to know on the latches! I'll have to try the pushing from inside and from the tailgate...advanced manoevers. photo of standard wind force in DV, no problem closing into this breeze
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    AT Habitat camping modifications

    good ideas Like the tarp and attachment idea, and the bug netting looks good. I have a swing gate on rear bumper with a fold down table, the tarp would be perfect for precips and maybe work as a wind shield, the winds of death valley being mostly my challenge
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    AT Tacoma Habitat: Official Thread

    This morning between 5 and 6 am T was about 25-27 degrees, I was up so to leave camp get on the road. Closing the Habitat up in darkness and low T proved difficult. First noted was inside tent coated in crystal breath, and with quickly chilling fingers getting the support bars off the unit then...
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    AT Tacoma Habitat: Official Thread

    I can not say how much the Habitat moves in the wind, not enough time in it yet..the first night spent was at elevation with increasing windy condition. I slept well despite the wind and headache. previously I can say I hated my RTT due to the noise level as well as the design not having...
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    AT Tacoma Habitat: Official Thread

    coming from 17feet amsl, i really need an overnight at 8500 amsl to be comfortable at 10k and above. the previous page foto at 10.5k i woke up with a headache. the wind blew all night and was stronger in the morning, I was still able to close the Habitat. I'd planned to stay at 7.5k just down...
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    AT Tacoma Habitat: Official Thread

    10581 ft amsl
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    AT Tacoma Habitat: Official Thread

    rolled out of kingman at0630 stopped here at 74 plains to make coffee and oatmeal then to prescott for install then stopped here again for beer and hot soup and headed back to kingman arriving at 1930 with the fuel light on
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    AT Tacoma Habitat: Official Thread

    good looking first gen
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    AT Tacoma Habitat: Official Thread

    good to see your fotos. stock truck and simple storage and keeping it as light weight as possible, works for me