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  1. DH2002

    insect screens for your windows

    That is awesome might have to get some made for my back windows nice on thinking outside the box never would have came up with that in my own.
  2. DH2002

    Do it yourself bed liners

    I just did my rocker panels with herculine 2 days ago and I think the biggest thing to do is PREP PREP PREP!! From what I gathered from my research was alot of the people who think it is horrible didn't take the time to prep it. I spent a whole day sanding and cleaning before I even opened the...
  3. DH2002

    new camera

    So I got a new camera first expensive camera i ever bought, but i got my reup bonus for the Army and after all the bills were paid i figured what the heck. It is a Canon powershot sx10is not top of the line but I like it here are some pics from it. (the reason the snow looks dark is cause of the...
  4. DH2002

    Long Way Up?

    So today I was driving through Anchorage when a bmw 800 gs pulled up next to me and the driver happens to be from Germany, I get to chatting (at the red light) and turns out she drove from Key West to Prudhoe Bay and was headed to the motorcyle shop. Well considering I had some free time I...
  5. DH2002

    Dalton, Dempster Highways and more - 2008

    I cant wait till this summer i plan on driving the Dalton by myself just taking me time it should be fun
  6. DH2002

    BFG AT or KM2's

    I have a set of procomp xterrains and due to the amount of time driving on highways they are quite worn down so am also looking at new ties and honestly am most likely going to go with the AT's just cause of the reviews for them MT's look great but I dont really go in mud and if i do I wont be...
  7. DH2002

    Soom good 'ol times around Yosemite

    the first pic with the sunlight is amazing nicely done
  8. DH2002

    Nissan Photos - post your's

    Kjell Sullivan, can you take some pics of the rack setup on the bed that is exactly what i was thinking of doing to mine
  9. DH2002

    LONG WAY ROUND DVD box set

    quick question has anybody seen "By any means" with charley boorman saw the previews and it looks interesting
  10. DH2002

    Random Snow Rig Pics

  11. DH2002

    Denver To Alaska December 08

    gas will cost more in locations were supply is limited i would have about 800 dollars for gas at Watson Lake I paid about 92 canadien dollars to fill up so it adds up and with the gas mileage the truck was loaded down so I got about 250-270 a tank not to bad. Are you getting hotels or tenting it?
  12. DH2002

    Show Your Ironic Photos

    i saw this on a poster it said "lambo doors: so lame lamborghini doesn't even use them anymore"
  13. DH2002

    2007 Tundra Offroad/Mountain Biking Trip

    That tundra looks like a freakin tank very nice
  14. DH2002

    ExPo vs. Club Frontier

    i was at CF for the longest but i wanted more of a travel rig not a rock crwaling rig. I like CF but I get more info over here
  15. DH2002

    Snorkel on Navara?Frontier

    who makes those bumpers i like them
  16. DH2002

    Denver To Alaska December 08

    All I did was pull up give all the paperwork when they asked if I had any weapons I told them I had a shotgun they gave me a slip and told me to come inside. My wife and I went inside they ran our backgrounds then we went to another desk another agent asked a couple of questions like why I had...
  17. DH2002

    Tonight's Dinner Will Consist Of........

    Beef stroganof yum yum
  18. DH2002

    Denver To Alaska December 08

    Yeah it sucks but I love it I will take the cold over the heat anyday I just couldn't stand the heat when I visited family in Texas. They would say it's a dry heat but 110 still sucks dry or not. I can allways add more clothes I can only take off so much before I go to jail. I don't know you...
  19. DH2002

    Denver To Alaska December 08

    Thanks was bout 3200 miles not to bad