04 3rd gen Dodge Ram rock crawler expedition build


I gotz dis
So is your co-dawg picked already Mike?

Congrats again on the selection. Really liked your response to the question:

Why do you want to go on the Ultimate Adventure?: I have lived out of this truck for over 3 months out west wheeling all the trails. I am a 36 year old Ex-Navy veteran. I have dreamed of doing the Ultimate Adventure since I was reading your magazine when I was 8 years old. This trip has been on my bucket list for many years. I have always wanted to be part of this event and, even more, to actually be driving and wheeling in this event. Every year I read the stories, and the chaos, and the breakage, and had always thought that I could have helped out in some way to get the fellow off-roader back on the road and safe. With my background in the Navy as a Master Welder and Mechanical Engineer, I had always felt that I could be an asset to your event to be able to swap engines (in the middle of nowhere) and repair axles laying in mud puddles (I accept IOU's) I think what you guys do every year is an amazing event and I have always dreamed about being a part of it. Please consider my application and I hope that you can help make a dream come true by allowing me to become a part of the long history of the UA event. When I was overseas reading your magazine, I told myself that if I lived through this war, I would build a truck that could do the UA and hopefully be part of the best event on US soil. God Bless.


Hard Corps
I think Mike may already have a winch monkey! If you read the article, there was a comment at the bottom from "Gsbbear" who may have been in the top 12..anyway, he was riding Mike's cred pretty hard! LOL. Make sure you zip your sleeping bag all the way up Mike...guy has a hard-on for you!

I am super glad to see Mike Sutherlin make it in! I won't lie, I wanted it BAD! However, Mike is a stand-up guy and you will be VERY IMPRESSED by him. Congratulations Mike!! Honestly, I secretly wanted Mike to make it in before myself as his rig, and by extension himself, are absolutely TOP DAWG AWESOME!! When you get a chance to meet and talk with Mike in person you will see the passion he has for this sport and his rig!


Swirvin, I'm NOT gay and there will be NO CUDDLING of either men or rigs at any time, anywhere! Mike's a stand-up guy and I am glad to see him in there if I can't be! My hard-on is not for Mike, it's for his truck!


Hard Corps
It's OK man...I'm not judging you, LOL! Just busting your balls a little. Don't worry Mike, I'll cuddle with you if he won't....
:rally_guys: :Mechanic: :camping: :friday:


Let's see here, you are talking about busting my balls and cuddling with Mike and you think I have a hard-on? BWAHAHAHA! There will be NO man-on-man cuddling on the trail!! And you are NOT allowed to violate my truck either!! LOL

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