060s skamper roof repair


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IMG_5540.jpgIMG_5541.jpgIMG_5547.jpgIMG_5559.jpgIMG_5556.jpgIMG_5561.jpgIMG_5550.jpgIMG_5545.jpgIMG_5557.jpgIMG_5558.jpgSo, water is leaking in through pin holes in the aluminum,side caps,bolt holes, and vent and has rotted the 3/4 plywood that the top of the canvas screws 2, going to get a multi tool and get the rest of the glued on wood out and make a nice cut end near the torsion bar support closest 2 bed because it has not rotted the wood that the canvas screws into and is glued to aluminum, I see torsion bar mounts have started to move upwards about 3/8 inch, going to extend the bracket 6" align it, and drill new bolt holes
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So the plan is to get the rear corner caps off, the. Seal the whole roof with oil based duct sealent,it's water proof to 25psi lol,dries flexible,paints on 1/8 in thick and is made to stick to aluminum/tin, you can also paint over it (comes out grey) then replace them glue new 3/4 ply to the interior ceiling,acre the canvas into that after glue dries, and figure out what material to cover it all and match the front
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IMG_5583.jpgIMG_5585.jpgIMG_5586.jpgIMG_5587.jpgIMG_5588.jpgIMG_5589.jpgIMG_5590.jpgIMG_5591.jpgIMG_5591.jpgIMG_5593.jpgIMG_5594.jpg ok guys so...got the corner caps off with my gf's hair dryer and a little patience, just had to drill out the rivets on the bottom, managed to come off in one piece so I don't have to much fiberglass work, got the vent out, the wood holding it in was very rotted , got the rest of the rotted wood out that I could without the multi-tool,that will be here tomorrow.so the shopping list is a sheet of 7/8 plywood,gorilla glue,box of 3/4" wood screws and a sheet of white FRP BOARD, total should be just under 100$ Sealed one part of the roof after I sanded the paint off with 400 grit,when it cures in24hrs I will see how well it stuck...also I have a new idea to fix the torsion brackets from lifting up further,gonna take the bolts out on the back side and connect the torsion brackets with a piece of bed frame angle to keep them straight and re-inforced
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Sheeeeit. Thats an '**************** roof. I have a repair thread here somewhere on an old tin roof as well. (tame in comparisson) Without properly reinforcing the corners the torsion lift will tear your handy-work apart in no time. Connecting the brackets is a great idea! Looks like your aluminum flashing is not bent or anything so that is good! That whole rest of the roof tho... Pics might look worse than it is, wood looks dry.


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IMG_5622.jpgIMG_5624.jpgIMG_5625.jpgIMG_5626.jpgIMG_5627.jpgIMG_5628.jpg alrighty then! So, got the vent back in after cleaning old silicon off and sanded it some, sanded the areas where I glued the new wood in, and sealed the rest of the roof in question with duct sealent,went down the whole center seam aswell, I used this liquid nails because of the cold weather capabilities as it is 40-20* currently, have to wait to do the back piece of wood because I need more clamps


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IMG_5634.jpgIMG_5635.jpgIMG_5636.jpg ok so went to harbor freight and got 8" long and 5" deep clamps for about 7$ a pop, put wood o top of the roof so I don't damage the roof, cut some 3" blocks of 2x4, laid a qtr inch bead all around and bead in the center every 6" and clamped it in place! Now gonna take the clamps off in 2 days giving it an extra 24hrs of cure time just to be safe...next is up is removing the lights, glueing the wires back in the foam, and covering it all with frp, once it's up I will use a router to cut out the hole for the vent and some 1" circles to pull the wire through for the lights to be re-installed! STAY POSTED...almost there:ylsmoke:


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IMG_5651.jpgIMG_5652.jpgIMG_5654.jpgIMG_5656.jpg well after over a month of not getting wet and the heater running multiple hours, the styrofoam surrounding the center seam was holding a lot of moisture, so I cut it out! So now all that's left is dry! So picked up some 1"thick pink board, cut so size and followed the directions on the container of liquid nails...used some scrap wood to hold it up, at this point I realized I would have to get the torsion bar out of the way to get the canvas back up because I wanted the screws to not be right on the edge of the plank....took the torsion bar off one side at a time while holding up the roof with scrap pieces of wood, VERY SKETCHY lol was difficult to do myself...so pictures weren't what I was thinking...more like get it done now because the suns going down and there's gonna be 18" of snow tommorow, took a picture of the ceiling when the top was down and tarp was on �� To be continued! 4 of the other pictures I took will not load! ..maybe next time
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