1993 Camel Trophy 200TDI


New member
ahhh crap. well take ur time and restore it properly , u have got an amazing machine , i would say for me this d1 means a lot more than any NAS 110 this truck has history.

and when u do the job right , u will get all the money u put in it + a lot more ,.


spoken like a true Los Angelean...
I am torn when it comes to restoring the vehicle. Part of me says spend big money and restore it to show room condition. The other part of me says let it be and wear those battle scars with pride. No matter what you chose to do it really does not matter. Reality it is, you are an important part of the vehicle's history much like an archeologist who make a discovery and brings light to a long lost treasure. You're a modern day Indiana Jones.


Clean it up and shoot the exterior with a nice matte finish clear-coat to preserve the current appearance. Got to town under the hood and on the running gear. Make it fully functional. Seats and interior? I'm kinda torn here. Part of me says leave it be, the other part of me says re-cover the seats.


I like wheel'in around!
Research has led me to a gentleman, Jim Allen, who has photos of my winning truck in Malaysia and white water Co(training ground for the USA team). I dug mud from everywhere inside this truck.....now I know why... *more to come!



I like wheel'in around!

So, here is an update! With this situation, I have been keeping it secret. I didn't want to stir up anything whilst dealing with it. Enjoy!

Originally, when I bought the car, i thought it was a fake. But with the diesel, I thought....heck...why not.... Once I found out it was rare, I started to search for missing parts. I had a friend who knew Tom Collins and got me in contact. After I talked to Tom, I received Webber Arnold's(1991 camel trophy driver?) number. Webb was the first owner, after the truck was damaged. I have some paperwork that came with the truck and his name is on the first bill of sale from Land Rover of North America. So, I decided to give him a call. No answer. I left a message saying the truck was broke and was looking for missing parts. Soon after, he called me and said: "Oh, it's running and working? It's stolen!" Which I responded with, Bullsh*t. Then he called a Mesa County sheriff and told the sheriff his side, only. The sheriff called and said that I might have a stolen vehicle. I said how could it be stolen, if I have paperwork(bill of sales leading up to me)? Which the sheriff responded, " Oh, there is paperwork? Webb didn't tell me that. Fax it over." Then the sheriff calls back and said" well I found Bob(the guy who sold it to me) and he said he knew about the paperwork, except the bill of sale to you. That makes this a forgery and you are a bonafide purchaser, we will tow the vehicle and you will be compensated. We are going to tow the vehicle." Then, out of nowhere, San Miguel County shows up, getting ready to tow the vehicle. I Called my lawyer immiadiatly, and we threatened to sue San Miguel County and Mesa County for not going through "Due Process". They backed off and would allow it to go through the court system, and the sheriff dropped his case. Then Webb filed a civil suit against me for possession of the truck. Webb screws up the paperwork,multiple times(saying I lived in Mesa county, etc), doesn't get a lawyer, and tries to serve me a week before a court date in grand junction(which we get it moved telluride, soon after). With the extra time, We decided to get the sheriffs report and check out his investigation. We read the entire thing from start to finish, and found out hthe sheriff dropped the case, not because of us threatening to sue, but because he found some interesting info out. Webb gave the land rover to his brother(Charlie) in 2009ish(all the documentation, keys, etc), who kept it on his property. Soon after, Charlie's marriage goes to **** and his wife wants the truck off the property.....Charlie then tries to joint sell it with Bob to a guy in Alaska, but the sale falls through and the truck is parked on Bob's property for over a year, without contact or payment, making it abandoned. Bob had the right to sell it and the fault was with Charlie. We finally make it to a preliminary hearing. Webb verifies my documentation, except the bill of sell from Webb to Bob. Webb doesn't bring a lawyer(tries to make his wife the power of attorney, so he doesn't have to pay a lawyer and get help from her?.....which is not how that works...) and pisses off the judge right away, who normally sides with people who feel wronged. I win the preliminary by a land slide and the land rover was ordered the stay in my possession. The judge orders a mandatory mediation. So we let Webb chooses a Mediator, and we head to montrose. Both pay the fee, sit in separate rooms, and the mediator does his job. Webb tries some bargaining, still without a lawyer, and We decline, giving him the option of dropping the case or going to court and his almost guaranteed loss, having to pay my attorney fees in full. After a couple hours, the mediator convinces him that he will not win and to back off. He signs the paper work and the truck is STILL legally mine, but now with added bonus of it being mine in the "eyes" of Colorado. Either way It was a honor to meet Mr Arnold! I was also honored for Mr. Arnold to meet my lawyer. ;)

Lesson of the day, lady's and gents, is to get a lawyer if you need one(you get what you pay for, especially when choosing a lawyer) and if you wanna tango with me, let's tango....cause I don't ******** around. ;)

Hope the read was not too long.

Ps: I'm not here to slander anyone's name. I am just telling my story, with facts from the Mesa County Sheriff's reports and my lawsuit information/outcome.


Expo God
If Webber wanted the truck so bad, he should have taken it back from his brother while he had the chance, or maybe never given it to him.


I like wheel'in around!
If Webber wanted the truck so bad, he should have taken it back from his brother while he had the chance, or maybe never given it to him.
. You are correct. The sad part is, I think Webb and Charlie are at fault.....but at the same time, who knows, the truck might have been lost in a game of cards and they wanted it back. So, they thought they could push me around.......

Wow what a story. Now you have to restore it as there is simply too much hoopla around this rover now!

I wish I could put it in a museum, to be honest. At the same time, it is a blast to drive. ;)
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Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
Glad you got it sorted out - quite an adventure!

Every once in a while a customer drops off the face of the earth and we have to sell the vehicle. Fortunately the mechanics lien laws are pretty good here (as long as you follow the process / do the paperwork correctly)

LR Max

Local Oaf
Holy crap. Good job on you not folding and holding your ground. Those are some serious accusations and they went all the way.

On that note, if he wanted the truck so bad, he should've gotten out his checkbook. I'm sure you have a price.


I like wheel'in around!
Glad you got it sorted out - quite an adventure!

Every once in a while a customer drops off the face of the earth and we have to sell the vehicle. Fortunately the mechanics lien laws are pretty good here (as long as you follow the process / do the paperwork correctly)

Paperwork is SUPER important. I'm pretty good with it and make sure all my ducks are in a row.

Holy crap. Good job on you not folding and holding your ground. Those are some serious accusations and they went all the way.

On that note, if he wanted the truck so bad, he should've gotten out his checkbook. I'm sure you have a price.

I have a price.....but in mediation, he offered me what I had in it and not a cent more, after saying in court it was worth a bunch of money. His offer was not even close to what it is worth and he made it sound like he has hit hard times....aka....wanting to dupe/guilt trip me into selling it to him, so he can profit.....ha....ok....cool story.... If you want a cheap land rover, I'd suggest Craigslist....you never know what you will find. ;)

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