99 Disco II, Radio keeps turning on...


Well... this is weird. 1999 Discovery II. I drove it to the store, got out, hit the key fob lock, locked-up alarm armed. when I came out of the store the stereo was on. It was off when I left the vehicle. Drove home, repeated the same turn off lock as above and came inside. 30 minutes later I heard music. Huh? Where is that music coming from? Yep. Stereo was back on playing inside the locked up Disco. I went out and pulled the two fuses that showed the radio logo. I think it was 15 and 16 (not positive) music stopped but radio dial was still lit. I am going to go out later and see if it has come back on...

Any thoughts, diagnosis or suggestions? Please don't say "Ear plugs". My neighbor already suggested that. :mad:


I don't know...

Good question "Adrift". I feel like burying this 99 Discovery...

I may have contributed to this "Mystery" myself. a couple of weeks ago, when the AC blower fan stopped working, I found a "Work around" and wound up with a fully functioning blower. That part is great.


The work around involved bypassing two pins (instead of a new fuse panel at $150.00) and adding a 30 amp inline fuse. It is possible, that while I am loathe to admit it to my spouse (Her D.D.), I may have caused, or contributed to the problem. This weekend I will pull the fuse panel again and see if I introduced any stereo gremlins in my quest to fix the blower.

It may be unrelated, but I thought I should fess up...

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