Adventures of No. 183

Brandy Pierce

New member
April 28, 2015

It was Thursday of my spring break. I was snuggled down in the warmth of our bed, just beginning to stir, when James opened his ever-present lap top. I groaned inwardly and rolled over, hoping to fall back to sleep and relish sleeping in when James started talking. By nature James is not talkative. So when the phrase, “I know I talk a lot about different things that I want but this is a really good deal and I’d like you to seriously consider it,” piqued my curiosity and I came fully awake. Rolling back towards James he tilted his lap top so that I could see the advertisement for a 2010 Adventure Trailer Horizon. True, the cost was reasonable but it was also in Denver, a 14 hour drive from our central Oklahoma home. James, however, was prepared and with the finesse of a lawyer he explained the virtues of buying the trailer now and how our current finances could be finagled to accommodate the purchase. He had already anticipated my questions and offered me well thought out responses. After he summed up his closing argument in the case I lay there mulling over the pro’s and con’s with the sincerity of a death row juror. After all, life is only lived once and this purchase would definitely improve our over-landing experience. And the biggest selling point would be removing the kitchen from the cargo area of my Jeep. With that final thought I accepted James’ proposal to purchase the AT and with a prayer for guidance should we be stepping into something wrong James sent off the email and we awaited the seller’s response.

A couple of hours later, following more emails and a phone conversation with the seller, it was agreed that we would travel to Denver to buy the AT. James handled the financial transaction while I packed for our trip. We headed out of town late that same afternoon, spending the night in Kansas and arriving at the seller’s home early the Friday afternoon. The AT was everything that the seller had represented it to be and was in remarkably good condition for its age. After picking up the AT James and I drove on into Denver to hunt down a few antique stores and a local food dive before finding a room for the night.

Bad decision. Denver traffic was the stuff of nightmares and their highway system, or lack thereof if you consider how vast the construction is, was the worst I’ve ever seen. Add to the mix 5pm Friday traffic and the fact that the Garth Brooks concert was creating chaos and you have a level of stress inside our dually truck that was thick enough to slice with a plastic spork from Taco Bell. James, not one to get frazzled, was the epitome of frazzled. We finally managed to get onto the highway to get out of town. The local dive’s and food joints were either on a one way street we couldn’t get to except by driving way out of our way to find a turn off or were located in an area that did not accommodate parking a dually pulling a trailer. So our adventure ultimately landed us safely outside of Denver at an On the Border chain restaurant where, surprisingly, I had really good pork street taco’s. After a good night’s sleep and a decent breakfast at the hotel we took off towards Colorado Springs to see what we could do with such limited time. Along the way we stopped at Rampart Range for a few hours of hiking among the house sized boulders. After working up an appetite a quick review of my Trip Advisor app sent us to Joanie’s in Woodland Park, a delicious corner bakery and deli with fantastic food and service as well as a beautiful view of Pike’s Peak. We ended the day at Garden of the God’s where, along with 400 other people, we tried to get sunset pictures of the red rock formations. Needless to say my pic’s didn’t turn out well however any adventure with James is never a waste. We got up early Sunday to head home pulling into our driveway Sunday evening. We were tired and road weary and so glad to spend the night in our own bed, happy in the knowledge that the stuff our over-landing dreams are made of was sitting in our driveway awaiting our next big adventure…after James modifies it of course☺. And so our journey begins…


Great intro! Welcome to the forum... and congratulations on beating me to the purchase of that adventure trailer. :)

James Pierce

I'll stick to the more technical side of this thread and leave the story telling to Brandy. She's a more creative writer. Here are a few images from our return trip home ;)

No. 183 somewhere in the Pike Nation Forest.


We spent the golden hours hiking and shooting Garden of the gods.


Tower of Babel

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James Pierce

Our first modification to the trailer was to lengthen the tongue so that the rear door on the JK would clear the nose box.


I began taking measurements to determine how much longer the tongue would need to be. 5 1/2" was the minimum required for the door to clear.



With a few more measurements I was able to conclude that 8" would be the maximum length I could add to the Max Coupler before it would bottom out in the receiver on the front of the trailer. This would allow me to continue to use the original "short" hole in the max coupler and still lengthen the tongue out when needed.





I missed a step in my picture taking. After welding the additional 8" to the coupler I drilled a new 5/8" hole 8" behind the original.


Max Coupler in the original position.


And in the extended position giving us an additional 8" of length to the tongue.

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James Pierce

Tall lid rails. What'cha going to mount on top of it?

Congrats and enjoy!

Thanks Kc, those are the tent rails that AT makes for the horizon. We moved the Eezi Awn from Pepe over to it. I plan to install a pull out table under the rack just haven't decided which to go with. They all look pretty flimsy online. I'd like to see them in person or get some feedback from others who have them.

I'm leaning towards the Frontrunner because I like the cutout for the plastic basin.


The intriguing title drew me in and certainly worth the read. The journey of discovery continued when I went and looked properly at the work done to "Pepe", top shelf stuff there. So based on all that I'm looking forward to what's in store for No. 183. :) Seems the two of you have talents albeit in different areas that compliment each other.

Can I ask if you intend to tow the Horizon with the hitch in the extended position or are you going to extend it only when needing to open the tailgate on the JK? Your welding looks like it would handle it either way.

James Pierce


Thanks for the kind comments. I do plan on towing with the max coupler in the extended position. I will probably slide it in when I have the trailer parked in the shop so I don't bang my leg on it. :)

Nice clean design work there at Arco ;)


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