Amputee Sprinter


I have been following this guy's story for a long time now and at first it did not look like he would make it to the games. I am glad he will have the chance to compete. He should be motivation to all of us who are physically healthy. People like him were motivation to me when I was in rehab learning how to walk again, and because of their examples I was able to overcome quicker than any of the doctors imagined. Since then I try not to take advantage of the fact that I am healthy. Now that he will be in the world spotlight I hope that he displays his spirit to everyone who is in a difficult situation.


Glamping Society
Good for him, I'm glad they ruled he can compete! I first heard about this guy last year and was quite disappointed when they ruled that he would not be able to participate in the games. As a former sprinter myself and someone who love to watch the Olympics, I will certainly be in his corner cheering for him as he races.

I know everyone thinks he has an advantage over able-bodied people, but he does have one clear disadvantage: no calf muscles! I have to wonder how much of the issue is actual fear of being beaten by a guy with no legs! :sport_box


Miss R2FJ said:
I know everyone thinks he has an advantage over able-bodied people, but he does have one clear disadvantage: no calf muscles! :sport_box

He definitely has a disadvantage. When we run our muscles are able to respond to how hard we are pushing at varying degrees of tension. That is impossible for him since his synthetic limbs can only rebound at the same degree of tension everytime. His muscles cannot adapt to whether he is starting the race, or powering his way through the finish.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
I just love that the "disabled" guy is now "enhanced" and folks are worried about a guy who lost both legs as being "better"....
hehehehehhe like someone would willingly cut off a couple of limbs to win a gold medal.
oh how perspective effects everything


I know this way way late but one of the things these guys, there was one from austrailia too, were doing is having legs made that made them taller than the were normally. this helped them cover more distance with the same effort. they (officials) ruled against that.
you can compensate for weakness when you are using composites and such where an able bodied athlete has only what he/she has to work with. composite cheeta legs can be tuned for rebound propelling the athlete forward hard. I knew a guy that was testing out a new set and was complaining that they were way more springy than his last set. had to lear how to keep up with them...

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