Apple announces iPhone 7 and 7 Plus


Expedition Leader
"For HAM use the removal of the 3.5mm jack..."

Every iPhone 7 includes a short 3.5mm to Lightning adapter. So you can use the iPhone 7 with equipment that has a 3.5mm plug.

OCD Overland

What's your point?
My point is that the automatic features of my D300 aren't as good as those on the current iPhone. The phone just does a lot better with autofocus, exposure, IP, etc. It has things like image stabilization that my camera or lenses don't have. That's just the march of progress. My point probably doesn't apply to current Nikon gear - I actually have no idea - but the iPhone is undoubtably better at these things than the camera I have now, which came out the same year as the original iPhone.

So, to get a better photo from my camera, I have to be the guy who sets up his tripod in the middle of the trail, manually focuses, manually sets exposure, brackets his photos, takes a moment to ponder depth of field, etc. I'm not that guy. I don't like lugging tripods and extra lenses around and don't really like lugging the camera itself around. Just not into it that much. So I depend on the automatic features of my gear. That said, I have used pro or semi-pro gear in the past simply because it's water and dust sealed and can take getting tossed around a bit, which is necessary for anything in my life.

And since I mostly take landscapes, I don't really even change lenses. My 20mm is practically permanently fixed to the camera (and the truth is that since it's a DX, the iPhone actually has a wider lens plus it takes pretty awesome panos.)

I grew up in a world of Instamatics and flash cubes. Back then, you'd have to work pretty hard to get a worse photo from an SLR. Today the delta between consumer and pro is minimal and ever narrowing. Can a pro or a skilled hobbyist get more from a DSLR? Likely. But for me to get more, with my limited interest in taking a photo vs having a photo, I'd have to toss my D300 and go spend three grand or so on a new FX 36MP body with modern IP. Question is whether that $3000 is well spent. How much better of a photo will I get, and how long will it be before the next generation iPhone comes out that matches it? And in the meantime, I'm still lugging around that camera.
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OCD Overland

Another interesting aspect of this is the thing that made me realize just how much better the phone has gotten. I was getting jealous of my wife being able to snap photos and then share them that evening after we got back to camp. Me, I have to wait until we're back home to unload my cards and edit the photos, and sometimes it was months before I got around to doing it. Then I'd get lost in Aperture - Lightroom now - for days tweaking this and that.

Anyway, so this last trip I'd take my usual photos but I'd also pull out my phone so I'd have something instantly. And having the photos right then, sharing with friends, flipping through them at the end of the day with my wife and talking about what we did - you know, it really reminded me why I take photos to begin with.

And then the photos on the phone were all turning out pretty cool, so I couldn't wait to get back and see the ones from the "real camera". It was a disappointment.

OCD Overland

If it had the camera from the 7+, then maybe. But I really want something the size of the iPhone 4. That was their best design effort, imo. A bit heavy, but it felt like quality when you held it.


Expedition Leader
Apple just announced that pre-orders for all colors of the iPhone 7 Plus have exceeded stock on hand. Ditto for the iPhone 7 in the new glossy black finish. So orders made today will require you to wait a while. iPhone 7 models in other colors are still available online and in retail stores.

We should start seeing a multitude of reviews, comparisons with Android phones, and "should I upgrade" articles shortly.


Autism Family Travellers!
If it had the camera from the 7+, then maybe. But I really want something the size of the iPhone 4. That was their best design effort, imo. A bit heavy, but it felt like quality when you held it.

Yeah, it would be great if the 7 had the camera of the 7+ too. The SE does have the 6s camera in it and its REALLY REALLY GOOD. small size, power, and REALLY REALLY GOOD camera. Its not quite as good as my 1020 was, but the positives outweigh the negatives completely with the 6s. and 6se

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