Artistic Shots- Well thought out, framed (positioned), artistic shots only please.


Took the girls for a hike this afternoon. Managed a few frames in-between shoulder rides and wrangling the dog...




Great Shots Brad. You guys are killing me with these Star shots. I was down in the San Rafael Swell in Utah twice over in so many weeks and both times attempted to take star shots with my Nikon D90. I tried different lenses, different Iso, different shutter speeds.... None of which turned out acceptable.

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader

If it helps most of my star shots are taken with my 10-22mm wide angle. That last one was at 15mm, F4, ISO 3200 for 15 seconds.

The high ISO seems to be what really pulls out the stars if you are doing reasonably short exposures (20 sec or less).

Of course with people in the shot you have to keep yelling at them to stay frozen and don't move! :elkgrin:

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
Hey Brad, are you seeing much noise with ISO3200 @ 15 seconds with the full sized images?

Hi John, Yes, my 7D is pretty noisy at ISO 3200 but LR 4 dos a pretty good job of cleaning it up without stepping on the details too much. I took these in low light at an inside gunfight show in Tombstone. I used ISO 3200 because I didn't want to be firing my flash during the show.




Photographer in the Wild
Thanks Brad. Last night I was at an Vietnam Vets memorial event and cranked my D7000 up to 3200. Not to bad. I used LR4 and Nik Define and it seemed to clean it up fairly nice. I am amazed at the difference between my D90 at high ISo and my D7000. Because I like long exposures generally (+1 min), this was the first time to use the D7000 in a situation that I needed the high ISO. Not bad at all, no flash so I was non intrusive...

Very nice show pics. that looks like a heck of a lot of fun

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
When ya'll were posting those macro shots, you gave me some inspiration, so Cindy and I made a day trip to the Kanapaha Botanical Gardens just up in Gainesville

Great place to work on some Macro stuff. Here's a few of my fav's from the day

2 Bee's fighting over a Gerber Daisy

I'm not sure what this plant was? They had everything labeled, but this was just off by itself, so who knows, it could just be some weed

Fox Glove Bloom

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
OK, this is my 3rd reply to your photo posts tonight. :elkgrin: I'm not personally a B&W guy but I like these a lot. Thanks for sharing them.

Clark White

OK, this is my 3rd reply to your photo posts tonight. :elkgrin: I'm not personally a B&W guy but I like these a lot. Thanks for sharing them.

Haha, thanks! I love B&W, but I think it has it's place and works for a certain style, generally more artsy I least that is how I generally use it.


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