AwesomeWorld Adventure


fantastic trip, looks like a great time. Great pictures. Awesome dog, my wife wants to kidnap her. What type of dog is that?
I just got done reading your entire trip report and wanted to say that you two did one heck of a job on this write-up! It wouldn't be any fun to spend this much time doing a write-up and no one saying,"Way to go!", so way to go guys!
As you already know, times like these make you realize what is really important in life and I think that you two know exactly what each of you have in each other. Keep the fire alive, constantly seek out new adventure in any form and never slow down. I hope to one day read another trip report from you two. Until next time, Take care...


I just got done reading your entire trip report and wanted to say that you two did one heck of a job on this write-up! It wouldn't be any fun to spend this much time doing a write-up and no one saying,"Way to go!", so way to go guys!
As you already know, times like these make you realize what is really important in life and I think that you two know exactly what each of you have in each other. Keep the fire alive, constantly seek out new adventure in any form and never slow down. I hope to one day read another trip report from you two. Until next time, Take care...

Well said!


What amazing trip, I am starting to plan something similar next year to see many of the same parks out west. Good luck in your future travels together.


I just got done reading your entire trip report and wanted to say that you two did one heck of a job on this write-up! It wouldn't be any fun to spend this much time doing a write-up and no one saying,"Way to go!", so way to go guys!
As you already know, times like these make you realize what is really important in life and I think that you two know exactly what each of you have in each other. Keep the fire alive, constantly seek out new adventure in any form and never slow down. I hope to one day read another trip report from you two. Until next time, Take care...

Glad you enjoyed the write up and thank for all the kind words. We had An amazing time and look forward to all the "next times". This truly is just the beginning!


Loved this whole report. I live in Ellicott City, where did you start form?


Awesome! We should take a trip out to the mountains some time.

We were living in Towson at the time just outside of Baltimore City, but left from a family members house in Odenton MD. That way we didn't leave our other vehicle in Baltimore for the duration of the trip and we were able to bring some house plants down to the family house so they would be looked after.

Ranger Steve

Thank you for bring up an old thread and giving me the chance to read it. Awesome trip and great write up! Now sure where you two are these day but I was in Baltimore for a convention in October lol. Again great read and pictures. Makes me want to travel out west even more!

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