Bad Parenting

Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
Not really expo related... but I have had two brothers to learn "what not to do".

My oldest brother is the epitome of "trailer park trash". His wife has had 4 kids from 3 different dads (while married to my bro) and yet is still married to my brother. One daughter, at the age of 15 has had a baby and dropped out of school. Same girl by age 16 has another kid and is now married to the 21 year old. A second daughter by age 15 has HPV and at 18 has some of her reproductive organs removed from the resulting damage.

Oh, and did I mention they have a goat that lives inside and outside of the house? Last time I was there, they had not yet cleaned the goats crap off the floor.

Oh, and my brother has been charged (but not convicted) of molesting one of the daughters.

Oh, and they think this is all perfectly normal.

I beat the living piss out of my brother for cussing at my mom and throwing something at her. I talked to him at my dad's funeral for a few minutes. But otherwise haven't talked to him since 2006. Not missing a damned thing either.

One thing I dont understand, we have the same parents. Although they are 17 and 10 years older than me..... so maybe their parenting techniques changed?

In the words of Jeff Foxworthy, "Mom was great, Dad was great... I'm just a $#!^#*@d."

I think that parents are the reason kids get screwed up before puberty. I think the people who the kids hang out with are the ones that screw them up after that.
A couple of years ago I attended a Land Rover meet @ a ORV park @ Uwharrie, NC. The park is a great venue with lots of rock and elevation changes etc. In attendance was a guy from Virginia who shall remain nameless with a topless rattle can black d90 on 37's with cut up body work etc. The guy had a reputaion for being reckless and hitting obstacles "wide open" and having no clue what tread lightly is about. On this trip he brought his young daughter (less than 5) and had her strapped in a child seat out on the trails with him.
I wasn't there to see it but this guy went balls to the wall @ some obstacle and rolled his truck with the daughter on board (multiple rolls). Fortunately she wasn't hurt but pretty much everyone looked @ this jerk and shook their heads for the remainer of the event.
A couple of years ago I attended a Land Rover meet @ a ORV park @ Uwharrie, NC. The park is a great venue with lots of rock and elevation changes etc. In attendance was a guy from Virginia who shall remain nameless with a topless rattle can black d90 on 37's with cut up body work etc. The guy had a reputaion for being reckless and hitting obstacles "wide open" and having no clue what tread lightly is about. On this trip he brought his young daughter (less than 5) and had her strapped in a child seat out on the trails with him.
I wasn't there to see it but this guy went balls to the wall @ some obstacle and rolled his truck with the daughter on board (multiple rolls). Fortunately she wasn't hurt but pretty much everyone looked @ this jerk and shook their heads for the remainer of the event.

I guess I should leave my kid at home all the time then.:Wow1:

JK. I make wife and kiddo get out when the going gets tough.


Resident **************
We were at Ocotillo Wells for New Years 2001. We met some younger people in the camp next to us. They joined our group for the evenings festivities. The next morning I was up having coffee when two little girls appeared as if from no where.

Some how I missed that the people we had met the night before had kids with them, maybe 2 and 4 years old. The older girl managed to tell me who they were and where their parents were. My wife and I ended up making them breakfast and essentially watching them until the parents woke up around 10AM (as I recall).

We made the parents feel pretty bad about the situation, hopefully they learned something from it.. They didn't really know us from Adam, just lucky that we're good people (relatively speaking:sombrero:).


Story with a very sad ending.

When I lived in Vegas, I was an avid jetskiier, out on Lake Mead every weekend. One weekend while driving the ski back to the loading dock, I noticed a commotion on shore, people yelling and screaming so I bee lined it over to them to see what was going on. Long story short, a family was frantically searching the water at Government Wash where the lake deceivingly drops in depth just off a swimming area. By the time search and rescue got there, they pulled a purple little boy from the water 25 minutes later.

Later found out that none of the family knew how to swim, they were at an unfamiliar place for them. When they were calling 911 for help, they had to put me on the phone so search & rescue could pin point our location. I was the only one in the area capable of rescue, and I had to be on the phone so they knew where to find us. I told the operator I was going back in to look for the kid, but she commanded me to stay on the phone. A couple of years later, after an EMT class, I understood why, but it still haunts me. Divers told me I wouldn't have found him anyway, he was down pretty deep. It was a very sad day.


Actual telephone exchange between my father (Juvenile Court Judge) and a parent:

Judge: Mrs. xxx? This is Judge yyy. I would like to release your daughter from juvenile detention for the Christmas holiday.
Parent: ok
Judge: All I need you to do is go pick her up. (about an hour away)
Parent: Well I'm busy.
Judge: You won't pick up your daughter? You'd rather she stay in detention for Christmas?!?
Parent: yeah.
Judge: Thanks for your time. click.


One better...

Conversation overheard in Memphis court room by personal friend who was a social worker on the case of a 14 y.o. in arraignment for murder of an octogenarian.

Parent to child, "He was old and gonna die anyway".

Unbelievable parenting (Not that I don't have my own issues)!

greg mgm

A few years back my neighbors were having a yard sale. A car pulled up in front of my house and a toddler gets out and takes a dump on my lawn, while the parents went to the yard sale. I grabbed a shovel and plastic bag, went up to the kids parents and asked them to clean up the mess. Amazingly, they did, and took the bag with them. I fully expected them to get defensive about it, but it worked out OK.


we usually do off the beaten path type camping, but one saturday we did a last minute decision adn decided to go camping. We didnt have enough time to go to our normal spot then setup camp before dark, so we stayed at a small campground on post at fort carson.

when we arrived 2 out of the 6 designated spots were already taken. so we took the one all the way in the back away from everyone else. we setup camp and got our campfire going. as we waited for the embers to get hot, the other campers came back to their spots...

did i mention i hate campgrounds?

anyways campers #1... a couple in their 40's. seem to be quiet loners. they go to thei site and keep to themselves and are quiet.

campers #2. couple in late 20's to early 30's with 4 boys and 3 huge dogs..., this is gonna get interesting.

never hear campers #1.

campers #2 on the the other hand were a nightmare. they came over introduced themselves and decided to make themselves at home to my brats i was cooking, and my beer. their kids decided to try to take my sons PSP away from him (big mistake trying to take on a 12 year old that is twice your size kid), and their youngest which was about the same age as my youngest which happens to be autistic, pushes her on the ground and starts making fun of her. at this point I am irate and as politely told them to get the ******* away from me and my family. didnt work.

We decided to leave as this was going to get bad. My wife and kids start taking down our camp and i started getting the fire put out, and the father started getting mouthy to us. thats when I got pushed by the father. that was the last straw. I ended up in a police car temporarily, but released due to the people who run the campground witnessed the events and had already called the MP's before he pushed me.

In retrospect I feel bad for punching the guy in his throat as his family watched in horror, but at the same time I feel great as i upheld my families honor and defended them against this wacked out family.
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