Bed to ceiling height on various pop-ups?


So I've been looking(well, internet looking) for a Hallmark camper for a while now, and after going onto their website to double check something I noticed something I somehow hadn't before- that their "bedroom height" is 27 inches.

Is this true? That seems really small, my shoulders are 23-24inches wide which wouldn't leave me much room to turn over. I realize Pop-Ups aren't going to offer a TON of room over the bed, but barely more than 2 feet seems like a coffin- at least imo.

Anybody with a Hallmark that can confirm this?

Also does anybody know the bed-to-ceiling height on a FWC, ATC and Phoenix? I can't seem to find that info on their respective websites. Thanks!


Oil eater.
Mine's 23",definitely tight. The huge underbed storage elevates the bed. The 2011 Northstar 850sc shows 27" I believe. I think you'll be fine with a east/west sleeping configuration. A north/south might be tight in that I'd be inclined to crawl.


You are smart to check into this before buying. One of the things I liked least about my pop up camper is the low ceiling height above the bed. It feels like you are in a coffin especially if you use thicker mattresses. Worse than that is getting up, you can't sit up at the edge of the bed to get down or dress easily when on the bed. The flippac is obviously not the same as a slide in and not for everyone but one of the things I like best is that there is something like 3' of headroom above the bed. It is great to be able to sit up, dress, and not feel claustrophobic in the over cab bed area. Standing in the bed of the truck there must be at least 7' of headroom, maybe more - my pop up has over 6' but still seemed sort of low.
I am so glad I read this thread.... not something I had really thought about in my design.... yikes! I am building the lift mechanisms and ordering the fabric right now!.... stop everything I am going taller! Thank You for bringing up this important issue.... I will sleep better now!:wings:


Expedition Leader
Mines 25 inches. Definitely can't sit up but I've never found to feel claustrophobic. Keep in mind the higher you go the more likely it is you'll lose the ability to fit in things like parking garages, drive thrus etc.


Mines 25 inches. Definitely can't sit up but I've never found to feel claustrophobic. Keep in mind the higher you go the more likely it is you'll lose the ability to fit in things like parking garages, drive thrus etc.

Is that for the Grandby/Hawk?

25 inches just seems to dang small for me, my arm alone is 20" from elbow to finger tip. But I guess if all the pop-ups are relatively short on room over the bed it's something I'll have to deal with.

Thanks for the info, guys.


Expedition Leader
I have a hawk. I'm not a big guy but most of the large people seem to complain more about height when standing, not too much about the bed.

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