Building 10 Disco 2 vehicles for an expedition company..

The Rover Shop

Funny you should mention that...picked up one the other day, and just installed it today...will probably only have one in the lead truck, mine, and I have some other plans for additional fuel..will reveal all soon...:) I’m a little concerned about the amount it hangs down, worries about coming off a ledge and getting stuck or puncturing it..C3E6A191-5884-4E03-8E3D-9E97E3294111.jpegDA54342B-6B4D-4417-AC9C-9293B6D051F0.jpeg4B63F937-F09F-4843-8F74-C359B71ED34E.jpeg9F59FF53-DD64-4A91-A78C-BC5F38AE3E30.jpeg

The Rover Shop

You should do the inline chevy thermostat I have 3 D2 that I use for off road rentals and I have done top hat liners arp studs and electric fans off a mark8 I go trail riding in the summer months in Moab where temperatures are over 100 and the temp never gets above 190

I looked into that system and while I haven’t seen one up close I didn’t see that it then had the ability to circulate the coolant in the block while the thermostat wasn’t open, the stock system uses the multi port thermostat to redirect the coolant flow through the block thereby eliminating the chances of hot spots and give nice constant heat through the heater core... The gulf states, or desert thermostat opens 10 degrees cooler and has a lighter spring so the water pump pressure opens it more than the stock one..I th8nkmthe part number was the 500110 number..?? I’ll find the link to the information I was reading if anyone is interested..


You use a 180 thermostat for a diesel which has a bypass hole like a traditional chevy ( I mean it was a Buick motor after all)

The Rover Shop

So while I had the interior out doing the fuel tank and some other wiring mods I noticed that there has been water and dust ingress through the vent flippers... on the right hand side rear there is a one way flapper valve system to allow a constant flow of air through the vehicle, also to allow the positive air pressure to escape when you close the door.. the rubber flaps that are supposed to work as one way valves don’t seem to be sitting flat anymore, since these trucks willl almost definitely be seeing deep water I decided to blank these off and allow the air to flow out through the back pillars above the tail lights..B72A94D0-526C-488E-92B0-9F9A8E287911.jpeg

The Rover Shop

While I had the fuel tank out I decided to pull the filler neck down, good thing I did, I found the evap emissions pipe for the fuel tank breather system broken off, I am sure that the truck had emissions evaporative system leak to find the part..

The Rover Shop

Picked up a parts truck for some bits and pieces that are always needed, particularly the transfer box for the replacement of one...started looking it over and it’s a 2003 without sunroofs and in pretty good shape, decided not to cut it up for a trailer idea I expedition truck number 4 is now on the build sheet...:) came with the engine in the back and pretty much all of the bits...and then some.

The Rover Shop

650960DE-C1CB-45E7-88BF-77DA31180BB6.jpegSo one of the trucks I picked up I got cheap because it had a blown transfer box, it’s an 04 so it has the CDL transfer box in it..and was blown pretty good..

The parts truck that I just got is an 03 and has a good transfer box in it so I took the front section off the CDL unit and wanted to see just how much difference there is between locking and non locking..turns out it looks like with some changing of parts over I can make a non CDL unit into a CDL can see the different jack shaft in the picks, the jack shaft with the teeth is the CDL unit and the non CDL unit is missing all of the selector rings in the case..looks like an easy..ish....job..


The Rover Shop

The new t-top sleeves have been installed, now the block gets decked to make sure all is 100% level and everything seals properly..D42783C8-8E62-4300-A5A0-8A02708B9095.jpeg526618DE-1267-4040-9E05-27479F27FA86.jpeg

The Rover Shop

Since we are doing these trucks in a custom colour and I don’t like the half assed paint job where you can see the original colour the minute you open a door etc I decided to strip the car for paint...truck will have all of the parts painted that can’t be reached when together, and all of the parts I have taken off will have the back sides etc painted, then the parts are installed on the truck and then the whole truck is painted together... and then the truck is assembled, like the window frames and trim pieces and door seals etc etc are installed.... it’s a real pain in the ******** but necessary if you want it to look decent..304E3E9E-6583-4C75-964B-646B4936684A.jpeg4DEED126-7952-4D25-B1A3-8B1D0C94F625.jpeg94E2CE58-2365-4DC1-8FBD-AB9618E69418.jpeg5C66AED9-B162-47EF-8A2F-E95DAE4CF227.jpeg

The Rover Shop

Block has been decked to ensure everything is 100% sealing capable, have decided to have all the internal rotating components reconditioned as nec and balanced, this ensures a smoother running engine which improves longevity, reliability and fuel consumption, as well as will allow the upgraded cam to work a bit bitter with the added increase of its ability to work closer to redline...5DA51038-B6A3-440E-B640-E505474F10E5.jpeg9DF58754-FCC9-4897-AF5D-3025E36747D7.jpeg
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New member
More nice pictures. I have one bad experience with electric cooling fan - really big one consuming 50A of current. During trips in Africa desert and running slow in big dunes, it was not enough. Luckily we had one spare standard viscous fan, and it was more than enough - is was not running full time. This original fan has much more power.

The Rover Shop

I’d be interested to know the CFM of the electric fan you had, and was it in a shroud pulling across the entire area of the radiator or just the centre..??.. I will be doing a couple of other things to the coolant and oil cooling systems and using a better style of coolant that improves the dissipation of heat.. and yeah, lots of driving in sand and dunes will be the ultimate strain on your cooling system ..


OMG that photo of the transfer box gears..... those flattened ones used to be actual teeth? What the hell causes that?!

Regarding the ABS, is your plan similar to or the same as what Falconworks has to replace that shuttle thingy and permanently fix the 3 amigos issue while retaining all proper function?

While you've got the doors apart :

The Rover Shop

I’m guessing the mainshaft bearing went bad allowing the teeth to move away from each other and not being in total mesh with each other and then just stripped the teeth..
And without seeing what their modification to the shuttle valve is I’m guessing it’s the same one, I have never seen the shuttle valve seals leaking but I will be doing a new shuttle valve and bypassing the internal shuttle valve pin connection externally, I have found this resolves 98% of the problems with the abs units on disco2 trucks..

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