carry gun


Expedition Leader
im an avid hunter myself, although im not a big fan of glocks. i like my para 1911 and my s & w 329PD (ultralight 44). damn thing kicks like a bloody mule, but its light and easy to carry, surprisingly accurate, and packs quite a wallop.

maney are not a fan of the glock. Most i have found that dont like the glock do like the 1911. I like the glock probly becous the first pistol i shot was a glock 19


I have a few thoughts.

I read the first couple of pages of this topic and then scanned the rest. If I missed something really important, I'm sorry. I understand the desire to discuss this subject with others, but generally don't think an internet forum is a prudent place. I don't think it's a very good idea to post what or if you carry in so public a place. For anyone interested in the subject of using force in the defense of yourself or loved ones, I would recommend you read On Killing and On Combat by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman. Don't be put off by the titles. They are well written, extremely informative books written by a guy who is both an Army Ranger (retired) and a licensed psychologist. He trains police officers, consults on institutional security issues and serves as a grief counselor. For example he was a grief counselor at the Jonesborough School shooting. In addition he is an expert on post traumatic stress disorder.

I may turn some people off, but I would never recommend a Glock as a daily carry weapon unless you are an officer in a dept. that issues them and have had extensive training in reholstering a Glock safely.

In some states a Concealed Carry License prevents you from open carry. You may be required to ONLY carry concealed. In some circumstances, showing your weapon whether you meant to or not can be construed as aggravated assault. In any case, a CCW permit never makes you the police auxiliary. In order to draw your weapon, you must be in immediate danger of death or serious bodily harm.

I know a number of police officers who serve with honor and are not in the business for their own ego gratification or because they are power hungry.


...I would never recommend a Glock as a daily carry weapon unless you are an officer in a dept. that issues them and have had extensive training in reholstering a Glock safely...
Give me a break. A gun is a simple tool to use, and you do not need "training" in order to not pull the trigger while reholstering your pistol. The range at my club is used by the officers of a nearby county, and those guys are terrible with their weapons.

Whether you are a cop or just a guy that carries daily, usually the desire to not shoot yourself in the leg is enough of a reason to handle your gun responsibly...but not always. :D

cops shoots self
Ask around and see what sidearm has the highest number of accidental discharges and under what circumstances. It's darn dangerous to reholster a Glock. A way better choice is the Sigarms P229 SA/DA with a decocker.


Ask around and see what sidearm has the highest number of accidental discharges and under what circumstances. It's darn dangerous to reholster a Glock. A way better choice is the Sigarms P229 SA/DA with a decocker.

thats one of the reasons i like my 1911. its a para LDA (light double action)

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