CB antenna


Scenic WonderRunner

If it were me. I would just stop typing, and ditch that thing. And order up a great deal on one of the best CB Antenna's ever made!


Or...even better, get this one!



Then Paint it Khaki!......:victory:


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gary in ohio

While I think your going to be a little bit long for CB, There is nothing that would stop you from trying to see what the SWR is.. I suspect your going to need to cut a few mm off the top to bring it into a good SWR. That shouldnt be an issue with the antenna as long as you seal up the end of the fiberglass one you have the correct legnth. You will need an SWR meter or antenna analyzer to test the SWR/resonance of the antenna once its in place.


Rendezvous Conspiracy
I am taking a guess it is military. Freq range might start at 33mhz to maybe 50. Just a thought if used for the military might be a little high for cb use my 2 cents worth.


Expedition Leader

This is probably answered in one of the radio books I am currently reading, but I like instant gratification at times, so here goes. How come if I put 144 MHz into the above page, I get 19.5 inches for a quarter wavelength? And if I do the math for a quarter wavelength manually, I get:

0.25*(299,792,458/144,000,000) = 0.52 meters = 20.5 inches.

Is there another term in the equation for determining optimal antenna length?


While I think your going to be a little bit long for CB, There is nothing that would stop you from trying to see what the SWR is.. I suspect your going to need to cut a few mm off the top to bring it into a good SWR. That shouldnt be an issue with the antenna as long as you seal up the end of the fiberglass one you have the correct legnth. You will need an SWR meter or antenna analyzer to test the SWR/resonance of the antenna once its in place.
A dutch ham guy said it is possible to shorten the antenna electrically by using a variable capacitor between the core and mantle, since cutting it probably is a no-go. Or by simply using an antenna matcher.


Quick reply. Use the more practical formula of 5616/f to get a half wave vertical then divide that in half again for your quarter wave antenna. That being said the best way to get a real world usable antenna is to start a little long then use an SWR meter to cut it to the correct lenght for your exact installation.


I can pickup an antenna matcher tonight, not the best way to tune an antenna but hey... it works.

And because we all like pics so much:






Removed the antenna to let the sealing dry.


On the inside.


YIKES!!!! Hope you're going to put on some sort of aircraft warning light!! lol! Well once you get it tuned it should have a really good signal. Best of luck with it, I'll be listening for you here in the states!

p.s. it's a shame that isn't hooked up to a HAM HF radio, then I really could talk to you there!


YIKES!!!! Hope you're going to put on some sort of aircraft warning light!! lol! Well once you get it tuned it should have a really good signal. Best of luck with it, I'll be listening for you here in the states!

p.s. it's a shame that isn't hooked up to a HAM HF radio, then I really could talk to you there!
I doubt I'll reach the US. The US east coast is 6000km away.


I doubt I'll reach the US. The US east coast is 6000km away.

you might be surprised how far you can go on "skip" with a cb. I'm in québec and got as far as hawaii and brazil. sure the discussion didn't last very long but still fun as hell!! :victory: most of the time, it's the southern states,california and oregon that I can reach. I'll stop here before I highjack your thread loll

gary in ohio

you might be surprised how far you can go on "skip" with a cb. I'm in québec and got as far as hawaii and brazil. sure the discussion didn't last very long but still fun as hell!! :victory: most of the time, it's the southern states,california and oregon that I can reach. I'll stop here before I highjack your thread loll

I talk around the world from my mobile. Coast to Coast in the US, Europe is very active when I am out at lunch and south america is busy during my evening commute. I should be able to talk other places if I was mobile when those areas are active.

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