Copper Canyon, Mexico March / April 07

cruiser guy

On my return to Guatemala this year I'm considering a trip through the Copper Canyon. This would be a start date of about July 20 from ElPaso area. I realize that the summer is not the best time of the year but it's the only time I can do it since I'm in Central America the rest of the year. If you are interested let me know via posting here or PM.
I will not be risking it solo due to river crossings etc. so without a partner truck or two this will not happen and we'll simply bypass Copper Canyon for this year.
I'm also going to post in the "Partners wanted" section of the forum too.
Note the revised date.
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El Gringo Spectacular!
I'd have no qualms doing it solo, FYI.... If you want to go to Batopilas, just take the main road from Creel in and out, and avoid the Rio Urique crossing and extra 50 miles of dirt.

Well worth the trip. If your rig is up to driving from Guatemala, then the side trip through CC shouldn't be an issue.


cruiser guy

I'll review my GuiaRoji once I get it back from the guy that has it right now and see what I think about it. I've done crazier things here but Mexico is not exactly a hotbed of diesel LandCruiser parts support. On a trip as far as Guatemala you need to expect something to fail and so far I have not been let down :(

The first trip I had tranny issues and was able to make it home without further incident using ONLY 3rd and 4th from Mazatlan north to Vancouver, B.C., I've had a cross member fail due to rust (frame replacement last December should cure those issues for the next 20 years) and I've had a wheel shear off at the studs due to severe overloading (my bad) and poor roads near Arriaga, Chiapas but I was mobile again in an hour thanks to the local guys who were coming with a jack and my runaway wheel before I even got out of the truck! The trouble is all these issues are the sort that you can't really plan for. I tend to fix ANYTHING on the truck BEFORE it's an issue 'cause I hate being Found On Road Dead!!

I don't need these to happen 50 miles from the nearest "one horse" town when I'm on my own!


El Gringo Spectacular!
You could just buy my'd make it no problemo....;) (Shameless pimpin' of my ride, I know...:D ).

The road to Batopilas isn't bad (a Subaru could make it), just long...but no, you don't want to have to pay for a tow out of there....



El Gringo Spectacular!
BTW, if your journey brings you through Flagstaff, AZ....I'll buy the beers...

-H- :beer:

cruiser guy

Send me your contact info on a PM! We usually enter Mexico through Nogales. We passed through Flagstaff last year on our way down. No plans for this year but that can change at a moments notice.

Of the few problems we encountered the only one that could have left us stranded was the sheared wheel and I'll be carrying a set of spare studs and nuts from now on.


El Gringo Spectacular!
PMs seem to be out of order at the moment...when they clear up I'll hit you with my info.




Expedition Leader
Are you guys ready for this... Temoris.


  • temoris side cayon.jpg
    temoris side cayon.jpg
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  • copper cayon.jpg
    copper cayon.jpg
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Expedition Leader
Oh! here it is the picture for Temoris a great looking small village next to the old railroad station!


  • temoris.jpg
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El Gringo Spectacular!
Take the back roads!!! :jumping:




New member
Hltoppr said:
BTW, if your journey brings you through Flagstaff, AZ....I'll buy the beers...

-H- :beer:

If there are beers happening in Flagstaff, keep me in the loop. I'll buy a round:)

cruiser guy

Hltoppr said:
Take the back roads!!! :jumping:


That's the game plan! For me though since I have to be somewhere in Guatemala at the end of July I cannot go alone just in case I run into trouble.

So who's all coming??

cruiser guy

Given the close election results in Mexico and the determination of both front runners not to concede, I've decided to postpone the trip to Copper Canyon till December (I think I've convinced my daughter and her boyfriend to drive down for Christmas and we can meet them 1/2 way which is Copper Canyon!). I'll still be heading through Mexico but I would like to have a little extra time in case of demonstrations or protests along the way.

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