dealing with medical issues and adventuring


its been years since i have be able to really camp after i have had 3 surgeries in 5 years on my lower back l4-5 and 1 plus on s1 this last time that has left me with some permanent nerve damage in my pelvic floor region that has left me incontinent all my Dr's tell me to be thankful i am not in chair and have gained all motor function back to 100%

so i have the camping part down not a issue but my kids love hiking and i want to take them on 2 and 3 miles hikes in with out dogs who love to be on trails how do i deal with my little problem with out deal with major skin break down i use these dam wrap around pads i asked my uro and he just said take it easy LOL great advice i need to get physical active i am 75 lbs over weight and hating it any advice i am open to pretty much anything plus i would love to wear short this summer as well if it get warm enough up here is wa state


Start small, do some one mile hikes and work your way up. Don't carry heavy backpacks. If you NEED to take a backpack keep it light. Take relatively flat trails. Ask your doc and see about getting into swimming. Water aerobics or lap swimming can be a great low impact way to loose weight and develop strength/endurance.


I have been doing all the light stuff for 2 years now i am back on my recumbent and doing mileage i was trying to come up with a way not to end up with these dam nasty heat rashes i know TMI


New member
Have you tried an external catheter and leg bag? Check out the online medical supply sites like express medical. They have all kinds of stuff for incontinence.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
basic question...are you male or female?
It does make a difference in the products aval and how you feel about them.

Good on you for wanting to get out and do it is just a matter of figuring out the tool.

Bladder training is something to read up on.
External caths as mentioned
Selective pad placement vs an off the shelf basic brief

Looking forward to finding out what solutions work best for you, it is a process and will require some trial & error.
And looking forward to some trip reports & pics


male the for the first question and as far a bladder training i did a year of bio feedback with minimal as far as the externals i have tried then a few times when i was less mobile per say but now that i am mobile i am looking for better option i have a uro fallow up next week after dealing with a nasty UTI due to retention issues on a few occasions so we'll see if the DR has any ideas


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
I would say you are looking at a logistical issue...
You want to do an activity and not deal with urination during that time.
So I would get your Dr to understand that you need to straight cath ONLY before doing the activity (not on a multi-time a day basis) and if he writes a script you can get insurance coverage for the supplies.
Then before you go hike you go into the tent and do a quick straight cath and you should be good to go for a while and maybe just add a small pad just in the front to catch anything that might happen towards the end of the hike.


well did the uro apt today what a joke his only suggestion was a condom cath and gave a me a scrip and number to a medical supply place likei need a number to a supplier i will talk to my primary dr she is more sensitive then the dam uro

I like the idea of straigh cathing i still have some in and out all in one kids from the last time i had surgery

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