DEATH VALLEY RUN - President day weekend


pew pew
# - name - screen name - vehicle - occupants - MODS
1 - Carlos - cap510 - Montero Gen2 - 2 - ROCKCRAWLER ready (if needed)
2 - Ray - off-roader - Montero Gen2 - 2
3 - Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2
4 - Naomi - Pathfinder - 2
5 - Juan - jjxsanchez - Land Cruiser - 3
6 - Louie - Land Cruiser - 2
7 - Henry - Land Cruiser - 1
8 - Dmitriy - eurosonic - Montero Gen2.5 - 2-3?
9 - Kevin - rajin_Cajun - Montero Gen2 - 1-2?
10 - Bryan- Jeep - 1
11 - Greg - Jeep - 2
12 - Nick - Jeep - 2
13 - Sean - SoCalMonty - Montero Gen 2 - 2
14 - Scott - calledtocreation - Jeep - 2
15 - Jason - EmptyOly - Montero Gen 2.5 - 1
16 - Jason T. - Torquey - Land Cruiser 100 or 80 - 2or3
17 - Nick - Nikosan - landcruiser - 2
18 - Richard A - rascott (4x4wire) - Suzuki Sidekick 1
19 - Spence - 4D55 - 1983 Mitsubishi Pickup or GWagon 2-3ish
20 - Dennis - Dennx - FJ - 1 - 33s, lifted, sliders, under armor.

1 - Nathan - Montero - (maybe) - 4?
2 - Bruno - Chief - Montero Gen 2 - (maybe) - 1-2?
3 - Jason A - Monte (4x4wire) - 1989 Montero - 2 (maybe)
4 - Mark L - Jeep - 1 (maybe)
5 - Quinn T - Jeep - 1 (maybe)
6 - Richard S. - richard310 - Xterra - 2 (maybe; heading out Friday night)


From the standpoint of those of us meeting you Friday night, we are looking at a 4 hour drive to get to the park from the Baker Side. I would like a suggestion on when and where we should meet you guys, Friday night or Saturday morning.

You're leaving from Orange? If so, you're on my way - I'll be coming from Lake Forest. If our schedules coordinate I can swing by and we can caravan. But, I may be on the late side (not sure yet, but I may not be able to leave OC until 8-9pm...frankly, I wouldn't want to leave earlier anyway just because of traffic!). If we're a couple hours apart, I'd recommend waiting in Ballarat as a last resort if possible - maybe catch a quick nap or whatever until the last vehicle arrives, and then everyone can hit up Mengel Pass together hopefully by midnight or so. But if that's not possible, I understand!

I'd much prefer to leave a day earlier, but I simply can't get out of V-day plans, and my better half can't come with on the trip so I'm gonna take her out before I leave. She's worth the late night drive. :)


You're leaving from Orange? If so, you're on my way - I'll be coming from Lake Forest. If our schedules coordinate I can swing by and we can caravan. But, I may be on the late side (not sure yet, but I may not be able to leave OC until 8-9pm...frankly, I wouldn't want to leave earlier anyway just because of traffic!). If we're a couple hours apart, I'd recommend waiting in Ballarat as a last resort if possible - maybe catch a quick nap or whatever until the last vehicle arrives, and then everyone can hit up Mengel Pass together hopefully by midnight or so. But if that's not possible, I understand!

I'd much prefer to leave a day earlier, but I simply can't get out of V-day plans, and my better half can't come with on the trip so I'm gonna take her out before I leave. She's worth the late night drive. :)

Niether my wife nor myself really want to be pulling in to camp at midnight. I think we are going to head up first thing in the morning Saturday. 6am?? Maybe meet everyone else on the West Side Rd. Also, I do not see a Ballarat on Google Maps?? Did you mean Shoshone? And instead of Mengel Pass did you mean Jubilee Pass Rd. Sorry I don't know DV really at all. I've been there once.
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From the standpoint of those of us meeting you Friday night, we are looking at a 4 hour drive to get to the park from the Baker Side. I would like a suggestion on when and where we should meet you guys, Friday night or Saturday morning.

Well, this is where it might get a bit tricky, we plan to be on furnace creek sat around noon but as you know anything can happen on the trail so not sure if we can pin point a specific time. I know for sure we'll be camping there sat night.
Might be a better idea for the people coming fri night to meet up with us on west side rd/warm spring canyon on sat morning. around 10 am.

We'll be channel 1 on the CB and remember there will be around 15 rigs in our group so should be easy to spot us.

I'll update the list showing arrival dates for everyone, if anyone is arriving fri night, please update your status on the list.


Well, this is where it might get a bit tricky, we plan to be on furnace creek sat around noon but as you know anything can happen on the trail so not sure if we can pin point a specific time. I know for sure we'll be camping there sat night.
Might be a better idea for the people coming fri night to meet up with us on west side rd/warm spring canyon on sat morning. around 10 am.

We'll be channel 1 on the CB and remember there will be around 15 rigs in our group so should be easy to spot us.

Yep, I really like this plan. For any of the Friday night folks, that want to join me Saturday morning I think we will leave out promptly at 6am. We will head up 15 to 127 in to Shoshone then across 178 (Jubilee Pass Rd) to meet with the group at the intersection of Warm Spring and West Side Rd. From there is says it's 50 miles in to Furnace Creek. I plan on setting up camp there and then heading out to explore with the group as you advised Carlos. Again Great Plan!!!


1 - Carlos - cap510 - Montero Gen2 - 2 - ROCKCRAWLER ready (if needed) - Thursday evening at ballarat
2 - Ray - off-roader - Montero Gen2 - 2
3 - Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2
4 - Naomi - Pathfinder - 2
5 - Juan - jjxsanchez - Land Cruiser - 3
6 - Louie - Land Cruiser - 2
7 - Henry - Land Cruiser - 1
8 - Dmitriy - eurosonic - Montero Gen2.5 - 2-3?
9 - Kevin - rajin_Cajun - Montero Gen2 - 1-2?
10 - Greg - Jeep - 2
11- Nick - Jeep - 2
12- Sean - SoCalMonty - Montero Gen 2 - 2
13 - Scott - calledtocreation - Jeep - 2
14 - Jason - EmptyOly - Montero Gen 2.5 - 1
15 - Jason T. - Torquey - Land Cruiser 100 or 80 - 2or3
16 - Nick - Nikosan - landcruiser - 2
17 - Richard A - rascott (4x4wire) - Suzuki Sidekick 1
18 - Spence - 4D55 - 1983 Mitsubishi Pickup or GWagon 2-3ish
19 - Dennis - Dennx - FJ - 1 - 33s, lifted, sliders, under armor.

1 - Nathan - Montero - (maybe) - 4?
2 - Bruno - Chief - Montero Gen 2 - (maybe) - 1-2?
3 - Jason A - Monte (4x4wire) - 1989 Montero - 2 (maybe)
4 - Mark L - Jeep - 1 (maybe)
5 - Quinn T - Jeep - 1 (maybe)
6 - Richard S. - richard310 - Xterra - 2 (maybe; heading out Friday night)
7- Dave - dstock - JKU Rubicon, lifted, locked, 33's, armor, sliders, winch - 2 Heading out early Sat morning.
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18 - Richard A - rascott (4x4wire) - Suzuki Sidekick 1
my "planning" is as good as usual
late roller......friday night drive stuff.
i will be pleased to get to ballarat by dawn on saturday, 'cause the hyway stuff is no fun for suzi the psychic.
i will wander around from there, and probably find you before you break camp at funace creek.
no worries, remember- I'm slow.

i am pleased with this planning thread, and am looking at maps.
racetrack in the mix?

hmm. still a few things to put back on before suzi leaves the driveway.

i don't have cb. 2m and a little walkie talkie thing ch6/9(?).
always looking forward


Dirt Guy
I could have mailed you my extra CB and a 3' antenna. Let me know for next time. ;)

Wish you guys well on the trip. I haven't been into the Valley from the direction I've seen on the Wire post. Say hi to geologist cabin for me.


18 - Richard A - rascott (4x4wire) - Suzuki Sidekick 1
my "planning" is as good as usual
late roller......friday night drive stuff.
i will be pleased to get to ballarat by dawn on saturday, 'cause the hyway stuff is no fun for suzi the psychic.
i will wander around from there, and probably find you before you break camp at funace creek.
no worries, remember- I'm slow.

i am pleased with this planning thread, and am looking at maps.
racetrack in the mix?

hmm. still a few things to put back on before suzi leaves the driveway.

i don't have cb. 2m and a little walkie talkie thing ch6/9(?).
always looking forward

Pm sent


18 - Richard A - rascott (4x4wire) - Suzuki Sidekick 1
my "planning" is as good as usual
late roller......friday night drive stuff.
i will be pleased to get to ballarat by dawn on saturday, 'cause the hyway stuff is no fun for suzi the psychic.
i will wander around from there, and probably find you before you break camp at funace creek.
no worries, remember- I'm slow.

i am pleased with this planning thread, and am looking at maps.
racetrack in the mix?

hmm. still a few things to put back on before suzi leaves the driveway.

i don't have cb. 2m and a little walkie talkie thing ch6/9(?).
always looking forward

I may not get to Ballarat until 1am, give or take an hour. If you think that might be within the scope of your timeline, we may end up having a few late Friday night guys who could drive together. I am hoping to get to their camp by 230-3am at the latest.


i suspect i could find ballarat by about 6am on saturday morning.
getting to the jump point is always my worry- once i get off the hyway i feel better.
my thought is to follow carlos's maps and look for bread crumbs and try to become the caboose, if all goes well.
it's all lines on a map. i need to see it before i believe it.
sounds like i may be looking at your tracks?
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SoCalMonty pointed me to this thread. We had plans to go elsewhere but this looks like a blast assuming there is still room. Have to talk to GF about it so we'd be a maybe at this point and we can't leave until Saturday morning due to work schedules. As far as extras, I have a propane Campfire-in-a-Can and a Delorme InReach SE for emergencies.

Dave - dstock - JKU Rubicon, lifted, locked, 33's, armor, sliders, winch - 2
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Expedition Leader
Several familiar names on the list so if there's still room we'd love to tag along:

Sarwat (Russell works too if that's easier) - stioc - Nissan Pathfinder - 2


3 - Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 9-10pm)
4 - Naomi - Pathfinder - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 9-10pm)

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