Design help request: Dog enclosure UNDER truck for camping


I just wanted something pretty secure for a couple reasons. The big one is a good dog but not yet we’ll trained. So I want to keep her IN whatever she is in without worrying about busting out. I’d prefer not to tie them up because they get so tangled up with each other.

The other main reason is to keep other critters out. That may be overthinking it but it’s a reason.


Exactly the situation. Travel in the cap, sleep somewhere else. I was pondering folding down the 60 side as well. And maybe the cooler can just be moved back and forth between the cap and the truck as required.

For a cooler we have an Igloo Sportsman. It’s rotomolded similar to a Yeti and is certified bear resistant by the IBC so we can legally leave it outside in bear country, which is against regs in a standard cooler. Given we spend most of our outdoor time in grizzly bear country, the space it saves in the vehicle by leaving it outside while in camp was the driving factor for us getting one and has made a big difference in the amount of cabin space. It gets cable locked to a tree at night and when not in camp.


Why not just get the dogs a tent of their own?

I have left my dog in a tent while I went out to use the bathroom and she did not appreciate it for even a minute and started clawing at the walls. I don’t think the tent would survive the night with my pups inside


For a cooler we have an Igloo Sportsman. It’s rotomolded similar to a Yeti and is certified bear resistant by the IBC so we can legally leave it outside in bear country, which is against regs in a standard cooler. Given we spend most of our outdoor time in grizzly bear country, the space it saves in the vehicle by leaving it outside while in camp was the driving factor for us getting one and has made a big difference in the amount of cabin space. It gets cable locked to a tree at night and when not in camp.

Awesome info. Thanks.


I have left my dog in a tent while I went out to use the bathroom and she did not appreciate it for even a minute and started clawing at the walls. I don’t think the tent would survive the night with my pups inside

My dog was the complete other way -- wouldn't even lay down in the woods -- NEVER

We had a family tent with a separate entrance area -- dog happily stayed in there and begged to get in when she was tired


What about an awning with the walls and floors off the side of your truck/canopy? They could stay inside that, safe and out of the elements, and still have a nice dry space to sleep in. That could/would also give you extra living room during the day.

This would be my vote as well but I would mount the awning to extend over the rear of the truck. This gives you a space to stand up and get dressed or hang out when the weather is less than ideal. Seeing as how you are also from the south, having a space to escape the mosquitoes and other insects is an added bonus. During the day you could take the walls off if you wanted.

We camp and travel with 2 of the Mountainsmith k9 dog beds which pack into stuff sacks like a sleeping bag does. They have a moisture resistant bottom and a fabric top and are ideal for giving our dogs a place that smells like home when we get to camp spots. A standard bed would do but these work well for us and are some of the first pieces of kit we pull out. A few hard shakes and maybe a few minutes in the sun and we stuff them back in their bags for the next trip.

Set up the awning and room, throw down a few beds and tie them out to the trailer hitch (if you're worried about them wandering off). If the tailgate is down then they're out of your way and they will feel secure having you close by.


Expedition Leader
We have a tent that is just big enough for our two collapsible wire kennels, solves the containment as well as the shelter issues.


I’ve got two huskies and would do one of two things...1. Get those Discobeds and stack em to create floorspace for the pups. 2. I’ve got impact case and container collapsible dog crates, and i’m guessing two may fit in the back of a mega cab. Bonus option is get some sort of go fast camper, vagabond outdoors, flippac, etc and sleep up high.


I’ve got two huskies and would do one of two things...1. Get those Discobeds and stack em to create floorspace for the pups. 2. I’ve got impact case and container collapsible dog crates, and i’m guessing two may fit in the back of a mega cab. Bonus option is get some sort of go fast camper, vagabond outdoors, flippac, etc and sleep up high.

The discobed is a very interesting idea. I didn't even think about "bunk bed" style setups. That could work but one would have to be big enough for the little tyke and the wife together. Or come up with his own little bed. But the impact dog crates are out of the question. $500 minimum x 2 and I'm well on my way to making my camper shell a pop up unit. Awesome looking crates but not economical for this "try out" venture. I definitely dig the bunk bed idea though. Thanks!

Happy Joe

Apprentice Geezer
Camped with dogs for decades, several generations of dogs; Barking has never been an issue (they were pretty well trained and socialized).
I have noticed that some dogs seem to pickup on owner fears, perhaps contributing to some barking problems.....
Our dogs would regularly sleep under the vehicle in hot weather (only shady spot in the desert); yes they do occasionally get greasy; spot clean with dish soap and water (then fix the leak/drip when you get home).
Mostly they liked to sleep, at night, in the ground tent with the rest of us; don't zip the door all the way closed so they can let themselves in/out. Bring their bed/rug etc from home and give them a spot in the tent, on the floor.
Hunting breeds sometimes take off after deer/elk but so far they have come back after 3 or 4 hours.

Note; we do not camp in "civilized" areas that require reservation or have; rules (apparently only for people to ignore), numbered sites, showers, toilets or other "amenities".

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