discovery expedition rack

david despain said:
its not "family friendly" but does that make it evil?

Evil? Huh? What does evil have to do with anything?

You are right, it isn't family friendly, or regular friendly, or any kind of friendly. The Middle East is more friendly hahahahahah They have no standards my friend, none.

Surfing DWEB is like SLUMMING it for adventure web surfers lol

If you can not make the distinction between Dweb and this website, you need an intervention :sombrero:

Saying Dweb has come a long way is like saying a fetus grew in 9 months - it could not have gone any other way since it was at rock bottom. The fact you know KVT and frankly, Ho and friends are not exactly a whole lot better, but how you spend your money is entirely up to you as is how you spend your time. I use ebay for most of the same products EE offers and have money left over to boot

But like I said, if you find Dweb a place YOU enjoy, more power to you!

I don't enjoy prejudice, antagonists, racial slurs, ethugs, or watching adults behave like a pack of Hiyenas. Dweb in my view is the ghetto and EE is like the magazine LR publishes once a year, it looks nice, and fun, but is over valued, does not possess depth, and is exlusive not inlcusive unlike say this website :)

But to each his own and you are entirely welcome to be a member of both communities as long as you see the difference when you post. An average Dweb post would be run out of town around here, not to mention places like this attract intellectuals who can interact in a dialogue over the internet without name calling or petulance :wings:

Just my 2cents

david despain

If you can not make the distinction between Dweb and this website, you need an intervention

i can make the distinctin and in these couple of threads i think i make that clear. im sure that i have also warned others in different threads as well.

The fact you know KVT and frankly, Ho and friends are not exactly a whole lot better, but how you spend your money is entirely up to you as is how you spend your time. I use ebay for most of the same products EE offers and have money left over to boot

I dont know kvt. i have never spoken with, comunicated with, dealt with, purchased anything from, endorsed or denounced, him in any way. he wouldnt know me at all. same for axel. I have however dealt w/ Ho and have been very pleased. the level of comunication is better with EE than any other vendor or ebay seller I have ever dealt with.

I don't enjoy prejudice, antagonists, racial slurs, ethugs, or watching adults behave like a pack of Hiyenas. Dweb in my view is the ghetto

some of this does occur yes, although i personally dont recall reading a thread with racial slur i dont memorize each one, but since you said you dont view or post there let me just say for the sake of others on this board that not all threads deginerate into flame wars. there are lots of good folks there willing to help with all mannor of technical questions. there are folks putting fzj80, dana 60, and portal axles under DII's. people bobbing discos. there are dealer and independant techs and helpline gurus. there are folks that routinely post very useful tech info that make trips from the midwest and the east coast to utah every year. that is about as "adventure" as it gets for most people.
I have been on Dweb since before the board crashed and i dont think I have ever been in a flame war. Its easy to avoid that type of thing and not get ripped apart if you dont put yourself into a position that invites it.

But to each his own and you are entirely welcome to be a member of both communities as long as you see the difference when you post. An average Dweb post would be run out of town around here, not to mention places like this attract intellectuals who can interact in a dialogue over the internet without name calling or petulance

I'm not sure what you mean here, are you telling me that I am not welcome here if I post on Discoweb? I think I demonstrate an acceptable level of inteligence when I post in both places and that might be why I have not had any problems in the past.


Expedition Leader
I'd have to agree with you David. I was a poster on Dweb before it crashed and I am again now. Yeah, there are those people that like to flame but for the most part, the people they flame have posted some nonsense and they're just getting called on it. Sure, idiocy does occur on there, like any other board. Overall, there is a ton of information on that board that you cannot find anywhere else.

But I'm sticking to my guns about EE being a boutique shop.:hehe: :elkgrin:
"I'm not sure what you mean here, are you telling me that I am not welcome here if I post on Discoweb?"

hmmm not exactly an accurate interpretation of what I said but I think it is conducive to dis-continue this conversation since we both seem satisfied with our view

I think it's great you find Dweb a good source for information I really do; a Brothel might be a good source of information too, I just choose to find my needs met else where :jump:


New member

Z O O R O P A said:
be prudent when on DWEB. Lunacy and insanity not to mention pure idiocy rules on dweb. Ethugs abound, worst website I have ever been to is dweb for anything other than a laugh and stonishment at the behavoir :bigbossHL:

Dude Dweb is about as normal of a site as you can get, i dont know where the hell you grew up or what you do for a living. But if a bunch of men who are into trucks and offroading cursing here and there and talking **** to each other insult you, you might want to go check if you were born a woman. Seriously. .:coffee:
lol! :elkgrin:

Ballah06 first post, need I say more?

Last time I checked the measure of a man or the value of a person has nothing to do with; mud, trucks, stupidity, cursing, or insulting others

Perhaps your misunderstandings are merely the product of public schooling and it isn't entirely your fault that you don't possess the necesarry tools for normal communication

Temperance my friend is the fine balance of emotional excess. If you conduct yourself like that on the internet, how do you behave in real life? That isn't ment to be answered :wavey:


New member

Yeah dude, were u reading Shakespeare last night and then doing some crack afterwards? Here's the deal, stop whining about something stupid, admit you are wrong. Anyway, did you check for the woman factor yet? Holla back.


Expedition Leader
Z O O R O P A said:
lol! :elkgrin:

Ballah06 first post, need I say more?

Last time I checked the measure of a man or the value of a person has nothing to do with; mud, trucks, stupidity, cursing, or insulting others

Perhaps your misunderstandings are merely the product of public schooling and it isn't entirely your fault that you don't possess the necesarry tools for normal communication

Temperance my friend is the fine balance of emotional excess. If you conduct yourself like that on the internet, how do you behave in real life? That isn't ment to be answered :wavey:
Dude! With an answer like that, how are you different than what you think Dweb is like?

This thread is off topic and needs to get back to roof rack talk!:costumed-smiley-007
What is with all the "dude" stuff, this isn't 1985! :jumping:

It was a mere observation on Ballah's lifestyle and a good reminder why it is illegal to marry your cousin!

Just playn! Just playn!

We all know why Ballah came in here, I just wanted to humor myself at the expense of hypocrisy :wings:

my sincere apologies if I offended anyone's delicate sensibilities and this is no mirror of what I was referring to concerning Dweb, which still stands

As for racks,

I don't think you can beat the Rovers North rack for longevity and they are rust proof


so, from what i gather, i am not supposed to go to disco web because it sucks, however i should go there if i want disco parts??? im confused.

all i want is a roof rack(sob whine) i kinda want one like safty products or whatever.


Expedition Leader
Dweb is fine. You have to log in to view their classified section. I recommend looking there. It's not like it's Pirate or anything... (that was a joke / sarcasm).


yeah, dweb is not bad. but i did get banned from EE for proving someone wrong about cops dead with brass in there hand or pockets. oh well. they still have good customer service. there is a guy on there selling a rack now on dweb. good luck with the rack. cheers


Use to own a D2 and there are a lot of places to get parts and equipment for these monsters. You biggest concern is with the fact the D2 is a ’03. If it was made the front half the year there is no CDL ability in the transfer case. Without a CDL system, you are stuck with the traction control system. Traction control does not work to well; the speed sensors have a lot of issues. If the brakes sequel for to long the Hall Effect sensors magnets will shatter, give the dreaded three amigos. To get CDL, all you need to do is swap out the T-case front output with a ’99-’01 unit and then add a ’04 lever. This mod takes about 2 hours. Then there is the rear drive shaft. It uses the roto flex system, or better known as the rubber donut. Go to Great Basin Rovers and talk to Bill to get the conversion to a real u-joint and put on a decent rear drive line. Now for the front drive shaft. This is not grease able, and it sits way to close to the catalytic converters. Making the grease boil off and having the camber explode, taking out your oil pan, catalytic converters and transmission. No need to replace the drive shaft, it is well built. All you need to do is make it better by adding real u-joints and having a machine shop make a grease able pivot bearing for you. The front drive shaft uses the same u-joints from a Volvo 500 series.

I could go on for ever on modifications on these things. I did love mine until the engine fire when the oil cooler line busted. Still have it in my yard and I cry every time I see it, and when I think I put in over $22,000 in modifications into it. Oh well, such is life. Now it is time to build a new rig and building is half the fun.

By the way, Discoweb is a good source of information. Just don't ask any questions and do the oppisite to what some of them tell others to do.


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