Do you like Pancakes?


Can anything beat a stack of hot cakes with butter and maple syrup for a camp breakfast?

Are you a "scratch" pancake chef? Or a just add water kind of cook?
Are they pancakes, or hot cakes?
And what about flannel cakes?
Johnny Cakes?
What pancake variations do you make?
Blueberries? Chocolate Chips?

Lets talk Pancakes!


Home-made mixed Pancake batter and Apple-butter is one of my favorites. I would Love to someday live in the New England area and be able to make my own Maple Syrup. The closer it is to the source the better I say.

Scenic WonderRunner

Yes I do!

We need to have a Southwest Pancake Cook Off....Meet~N~Greet! In the Outback!

It could almost be better than a Chili Cook Off! But I don't's close!


Good Idea!:sombrero::chef::ylsmoke:



Probably the best resturant pancakes I have ever eaten were Poppy seed pancakes made at a little hole in the wall place called the Whales Tale in Newport Oregon.

I make wild Blueberry pancakes every fall when they ripen up in the hills, I smash a bunch of the berries in the batter and people look at the purple pancakes with a funny face but one taste and they get a big grin and line up for more

FJR Colorado

I'm a big fan of raspberry pancakes. Triple berry are great too.... (rasp-, blue- & black-)

Krusteaz Buttermilk is the best mix (but ignore directions and use eggs and whole milk instead of "just add water"). Thin batter works best (Swedish style).

Cast iron skillet with canola oil spray and good technique makes for the best PCs.

I love real maple syrup but also like to make my own blackberry syrup... (real simple: cup of sugar, cup of water, pack of washed blackberries. boil for 10 minutes but don't let it boil over the pan. deeee-licious).

Apple pancakes are great. Bananas and sliced almonds are great. Blueberry o' course are great.

Man, I'm gettin' hungry....


OverCamping Specialist

This thread is making me hungry for them too.
I need to buy some maple syrup, fresh out.
The good stuff is expensive.

Have not made pancakes for camping I do not think, but thinking about it now.


Appalachian Ridgerunner
Home made all the way!

Buckwheat pancakes stacked high and drizzled with local maple syrup our neighbors give us every year. That or a single pancake smeared with home made strawberry perserves!

O.K., now I'm hungry again.


Home made. Make them at home and on all of our camping trips. Usually cook them in the same pan that I had just finished the sausage or bacon in.

Otherwise, real butter in the pan to get things started.

Real maple syrup only. No sweetened motor oil in this house! :ylsmoke:

Also love making johnny cakes. Usually from scratch, but in a pinch I'll use Jiffy Corn Muffin mix.

Harald Hansen

From a non-US perspective:

Pancake mix is OK for camping, but at home it's homemade batter all the way. It takes something like three minutes to make, and what's the big rush anyway? We're so lucky that we've got friends who keep chickens, so we're making them with fresh non-factory eggs.

I make pancakes without any kind of rising agent. The eggs add a bit of fluff anyway. I think that is the most common way to make them in Norway.

Around here we're knee deep in blueberries every autumn, so we've got home made blueberry jam as well. The kids are usually prefer store bought strawberry jam, though, and sour cream.

I like maple suryp, which over here is somewhat exotic. Well-stocked shops have it, but in tiny little bottles and it costs a small fortune.


OverCamping Specialist
The good stuff here (Canadian maple syrup) goes for around $30 now for a quart size bottle last time I checked at my local Safeway store.

But yeah, I am going to pick up some.
Will a have to try some from scratch.
I have that stuff in a bottle you add water to and shake, I bought some last year to experiment with at home to see if it would be any good for camping or not.

FJR Colorado

For camping, the little Bisquick shaker bottle that you add water to, shake and pour is very hard to beat in terms of ease and convenience.

All pancakes must have tons of real butter, IMO. Whipped butter works especially well. Walk out of any restaurant that offers faux butter of any kind.


I am a from scratch in the field person and like to include whipped cream and strawberries and share with my fellows.

I use my Danish Grandmother's recipe. Not so big on the mixing the berries in the batter however.

:chef: :drool:

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