Expedicion de las Americas



I was fortunate enough to meet Mark Smith at his home in Georgetown , CA in the foothills of the Sierras. Smith is by nature one who seeks the world to explore and find adventures. He was the leader of the 1978-1979 Expedicion de Las Americas, a 20,000-mile, 120 day odyssey that covered the Americas. The crux of the whole expedition was the Darien Gap, the section of land between Colombia and Panama. There are no roads to this day and the jungle and swamps are as formidable as any in the world.

It took the expedition 30 days to cross the Darien gap with the help of indigenous tribes and the Colombian Army. By the time they reached the northern end the of the Gap, their route on the southern side had overgrown.

Mark is mainly retired at this point, but he did start the Jeep Jamboree and is still involved to some extent.

Scott Brady

Mark is a fascinating individual. Chris Collard just completed an interview with him that will be featured in Overland Journal's new Living Legends series.

Thanks for posting the video Sinuhe.


Expedition Leader
Awesome video! Thanks for posting. :)

Public Service Anouncement: there's a bit of nudity (think National Geographic) that I have no "issue" with, other than it's probably not exactly safe-for-work, in most offices. Just fyi.

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