Fuel Tank Issue


I posted a while ago about my fuel tank gauge seeming very sensitive to changes in angle. Well now I feel like its not really responding very quickly, sometimes after a quick shutdown and restart it reads empty. In addition when I have filled it up the past two times it only took less fuel than I know to be the capacity of the tank. Any ideas?

Like filling up today after 220 miles of driving it only took 10 gallons and I had to push it to 10 gallons it shut off at 9


Could be failing electrical in your dashboard - especially any capacitors.

Or it might be a giant dent in your fuel tank....eurosonic had that happen.


Expedition Leader
Could be failing electrical in your dashboard - especially any capacitors.

Or it might be a giant dent in your fuel tank....eurosonic had that happen.
The station fuel pump shutting off before the tank is really full has nothing to do with your dash not reading correctly. I suspect that station simply has a malfunctioning gas pump or as VectorSC pointed out, you have a dent in your tank.


Hmm, I havent been off road to get a dent. And I have filled at two diff stations and seen this now. Reading a bit sounds like if the evaporative stuff on the gas tank gets clogged and won't vent it will dramatically cut off the size of fuel you can put in the tank. Worth a shot looking under the rig I guess


Expedition Leader
The vent being clogged may explain the gas not filling up properly but it has nothing to do with your gauge mis-reading or reading slowly. that said my gauge takes a minute or so after I fill up to register the tank is full.


So the weird thing is that the mileage number on my center console (miles to empty) seems roughly correct even when the fuel gauge itself is wrong. Both probably get the information from the same sending unit


Expedition Leader
Could be a number of things. First check your gas tank and see if its dented. The dent will have to pretty substantial for the gauge to act funny. I lost couple of gallons when I dented my tank and my gauge wouldn't work right when I got below 1/4 tank.

If the tank is fine, check your evap. What year and how many miles on your truck?


Expedition Leader
Hmmm never checked out the gen iii's in detail. Iirc, they still have an access panel in the rear floor for the tank in case you need to get inside of it. Is it dented?

having said that I'm also thinking its a related to your evap system...


Yeah I checked my manual for the gen 2 gen 3 pajeros and there is indeed access panels in the interior. This time when I filled the rig up I tilted the gas nozzle sideways as I read about doing in some other threads and managed to fill it up all the way. So I have no idea what was causing the issue


Expedition Leader
Have you confirmed your fuel evap system is working properly? Not sure how that's done since I haven't encountered it before.

On a possibly related side note... here in Cali, during the smog checks they also confirm that there's a proper vacuum seal both in the tank (remove the filler cap and insert a sealed vacuum sensor) and the filler cap but I'm not 100% sure if that would uncover the cause of your issue.


I haven't yet no. I remember them clamping the hose in Cali on the smog test and pressurizing the gas tank


Bump this.
I'm having a similar issue. No gauge wonkyness but the tank won't fill. Backs up and shuts the pump off immediately . I have to trickle gas in. Any station and the angle doesn't help.

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