GaiaGPS Not Syncing


Anyone else having issues? My iPads have stopped syncing data. Reminds me again of prior frustration due to lack of a status/progress bar.


Active member
Gaia has been glitching out a lot more for me lately. 90% of the time I drop waypoints they just don't show up after saving. All other old waypoints will be there, but new ones wont. Then randomly they'll decide to start showing.


Well-known member
Yes, me too. I find I have to go into my account under settings and trigger a manual sync. Not losing waypoints though …


I’ve been triggering the manual sync. Nothing. They have been non responsive to my emails to support.


New member
I had issues too. Tried everything that they give you in FAQs but nothing worked. After playing around a bit, I found that if I created folders, and moved all points into a new folder it then synced up. I created a folder for each state and have them all showing up now. Kind of a pain depending on how many waypoints you have…but might be worth trying.


All of my adventures in the last couple of years usually start with getting excited about trying something new with Gaia, trying it out for the first few days of said adventure and then frustratedly giving up and going back to my former methods. Sometimes I get lucky, but not usually.


Some of the Gaia devs are active on Reddit. They're aware that sync is porked right now and are trying to fix it along with fixing folders.

Gaia is a frustrating mess software-wise but their map data set just is so far beyond anyone else there's no decent alternatives.


Name a feature or function within Gaia. That feature may only work some percentage of the time. If, every time you try to use that feature, it happens to be "having one of it's spells" and either non-functional or super slowed down, it is now 100% failure as far as your use of it is concerned.
But as Williaty wrote above, "Gaia is a frustrating mess software-wise but their map data set just is so far beyond anyone else there's no decent alternatives."


Active member
After many glitches with GaiaGps I dropped my subscription, and I had been trying to use it with only partial success for several years. Went back to trustworthy methods of Garmin GPS and maps.

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