Geotagging Photos, how do you do it?


New member
after being a long time lurker on the forum I'm finally making my first post.

I'm trying to find a way to start geotagging my photos to keep track of later. For equipment I have a canon XSi and a garmin oregon 450. I've been doing some reasearch online and saw that there is a built in portion in garmins basecamp software as well as pixgps. After spending several aggravating hours trying both of these methods without success I've come to you folks to seek help from your massive knowledge base. Anyone got any tips or tricks for the two programs I've mentioned or got another program or piece of hardware that they use? any help would be appreciated.


I am getting a hotshoe mounted GPS that autotags the photos before my next trip. I am not sure if they are available for Canon or not. I shoot nikon.

I also know there is away to do it based on the track file from the GPS-time stamp and the timestamp on the photo, and it can be down within photoshop. But I have never attempted this as I think I will probably just get frusterated.

So for now when I upload to flickr I just use the map feature and set where I took the picture.
Ryan, there isn't a way to do it directly on your XSi. What you can do is use your Garmin to store a track as you are photographing. Try and make sure your camera's internal time is as accurate as possible too. Then you use a program that will look at the timestamp of the picture and compare it to your tracklog. It will then add the GPS coordinates to the metadata of the picture file.

There are probably numerous programs available, some better than others. I use Lightroom for managing and refining my photos, then a Plug-in by Jeffrey Freidl to marry the GPS info. Lightroom now has the capabilities to do it itself too.

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