Great Volunteer Opportunities in Guanajuato, Mexico!!


The Road Less Travelled
Have you always dreamt of ambling through the cobblestone “callejones” (alleyways) and tunnels that the colonial Mexican city Guanajuato has to offer? Volunteering as a part of your travel offers the benefit of connecting to the people and culture that live on those alleyways. Furthermore, volunteers will visit unique and off-the-beaten-path places within the city.

If you are visiting the city of Guanajuato, Do Good As You Go has a great connection to a local organization in the heart of town. Colectivo T.A.N. 473 is a grassroots movement to using the arts and educational activities to empower youth and families in marginalized communities. “We absolutely loved the town of Guanajuato and its surrounding áreas. As far as volunteering, we feel a lot of good work was done and it was a positive experience for us as well as the recipients of our work. We will absolutely volunteer again on this trip, already working on our next volunteer project!” say Do Good As You Go volunteers, Tad Haas and Gaila Gutierrez.

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Volunteering with Do Good As You Go is no-cost volunteering and the commitment ranges from as short as one day to 6 months. To get involved simply visit the Do Good As You Go Website and fill out the Get Involved form!

(Photos curtesy of Bryon Dorr)

Details of Volunteering Opportunities:
· Paint Murals
· Reading Time
· Sports & Games
· Art Classes
· Community Development
· Gardening

Global Citizenship Program:
Present a slideshow of your life, your hobbies and profession and Journey to inspire and educate the youth of GTO about the world outside of their city.

All of the kids in the 473 program are eager to learn more about photography! Lead a one day outting with experienced youth photographers or stay longer and run
a whole workshop!

Work with a group of teens to form their own business plan OR support a group of mothers to learn how to make their small business efforts more successful,
or give them the tools to start!

“Not one of them complains about their situation, or shows any sign of anger (to us) or goes around with a chip on their shoulders. These are children who deserve our time and are children who I’ve come to respect for their strength of character.”
Chris Smith
Volunteer Digital Storytelling Workshop
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Its a great intiative you people are taking there....Just wanted to know the days this expedition is scheduled to be held....couldnot locate it on the website.....Thanks in advance.

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