Group Flip Pac Camper Rain Fly Buy

billy bee

Hi Guys:

This was a very rewarding project that seems to have been beneficial to everybody involved: AT, SLO Sails, me, and, most importantly, the ExPo Community. And SLO Sails and Canvas has been able to fulfill other custom orders for awning sides, etc.

I have continued to generate ideas that improve the design. Some are practical for "mass" production and some are not. I really like the semi-circular windows on my fly, for example. (See Post # 71.) Not sure if SLO Sails is making that an option or not. But they are great. The windows are really designed to fit over the rear windows. When we took the template, we used the rear tent windows to mark the placement of the fly windows. For some reason, they do not align as well with the front tent windows. I guess the tent design is asymmetrical. The fly is designed to be way SLO Sails was able to make it affordable with the extra bells and whistles.

The only other thing I recommend is treating your fly with Nikwax immediately for the best heavy rain results. Thanks to all of you for making this a success.



Thanks for getting this sorted out and thanks to everyone who contributed to the project. I contacted Andrew at SLO Sail a coupe of weeks ago and he made us one in the "Texas Tan" color offered by their material manufacturer. I was a little worried that it would be more "Texas Orange-Brown" but the color looks very nice alongside our truck. The fly looks great and we can't wait to pick up our Flippac so we can see the two together. Again, thanks for taking the initiative on this and thanks to Andrew at SLO Sail & Canvas for his professional and personalized service.


Another Happy Camper, Thanks SLO Sail & Canvas. I ordered online and paid with Paypal, Found it on the front porch 12 days later .



Great looking set-up timber. Glad it worked out...

And thank you for instigating this whole thing. Curious to hear if you ever ended up treating your fly with anything? I remember reading you were thinking about it as an additional measure. Thanks again. Tim


Just ordered one like Timbers from SLO Sail and canvas.:wings:
I'm just assuming that one size fits all with the loops and ladder buckles right?

billy bee

One size fits all with or without the elastic and buckles. Hope you are happy with the fly.

BTW, the SLO Sail and Canvas crew is coming with me to the Land Rover Experience Driving School (where I teach) for a day of training and fun in the Carmel Valley this Friday. Hope to post some pix of the crew here next week.



One size fits all with or without the elastic and buckles. Hope you are happy with the fly.


Has someone with a fullsize ordered this/tried it on/taken pics? It definitely look like there is sufficient fabric to fit, but the proof is in - the pics!

This looks like it may be the larger size (from the SLO website):

Definitely better than the OEM offering, thanks for doing the legwork to get 'er done!


New member
I just received a SLO Fain Fly for my Flip Pac: slate gray (almost a bluish tint to it....looks verrrry good...), with 4 windows. It's a beautiful piece of work.

The folks at SLO Sail and Canvas were really helpful, and had my order custom-made and at my door in just a few days!


Just spent the weekend in big sur... night and day difference between the SLO fly and the FRP fly.. Stayed dry the whole time.


billy bee

Greetings all,

Been a while since I checked in. Spent a few rainy, windy nights in the FP last weekend. As you can see, I have a different truck. But I wanted you all to see what I did to use the ladder buckles. First, I have a 6' piece if 1" webbing to secure the fly under the lid (when the lid is open). That may not be visible in the pictures as the webbing is black. What you can see is the white webbing. It was warm this weekend, probably in the 60s all weekend. So, I propped th side out by running the webbing to a rock on each code. Worked well. In even warmer weather, i think this would be a very nice way to ensure additional airflow into the tent. I also used a bungee to pull the center of the fly down over the rear window hinge. That helped keep water out when I had the glass up.



I hope these flies are still working out for everybody. Please post up your picks, especially if you are using the webbing loops and ladder buckles...

Happy Thanksgiving,

Dave Bennett

The only issue I've heard of with these is, other than the fact that you have to source your own 1 inch straps (lame!), is that these will sag pretty good in very cold wet conditions. Al Walter (awalter) toured through Canada and Alaska recently and showed me some pictures of his sagging in the cold. Not sure why, but it kept the rain out for the most part he said his leaks were actually from when the lid was closed driving in pouring rain... check your seals at the corners gents. The front corners at the shell/truck bed interface are another known problem area on all shells.

Is there a good onlince source for the required 1 inch straps???

I hear SLO Sail doesnt want to make anymore of the shower enclosures or other custom work, any reason why?

billy bee

The only issue I've heard of with these is, other than the fact that you have to source your own 1 inch straps (lame!)... Is there a good onlince source for the required 1 inch straps???

...these will sag pretty good in very cold wet conditions. Al Walter (awalter) toured through Canada and Alaska recently and showed me some pictures of his sagging in the cold. Not sure why, but it kept the rain out for the most part he said his leaks were actually from when the lid was closed driving in pouring rain... check your seals at the corners gents. The front corners at the shell/truck bed interface are another known problem area on all shells.

I hear SLO Sail doesnt want to make anymore of the shower enclosures or other custom work, any reason why?

Hi Guys:

I don't think of it as lame. We learn as we go along. One such takeaway is the webbing. SLO Sail now supplies three sections of 1" webbing with the fly. I have not spoken to them about it, but my guess is they would be happy to talk to their early fly customers about the webbing.

Mine sags when wet. It doesn't look pretty, but I am staying dry. My guess is that the fly material does absorb some water up to the PVC coating. So, it hangs differently on the tent.

I have not heard about custom work. That is really a specialty of theirs. I'll ask the next time I visit them.

We never got shower enclosures off the ground. I love mine, but there did not seem to be any additional interest in them.

Appreciate the feedback, doc.

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