HAM Operators- Post up here



Passed the Technician test (failed the freebie General) last Saturday, and was listed in the database this past Friday. :) KB1UMJ assigned. I thought that I would have been able to figure out all the features of a rather basic single-band 2m radio in the 6 days between passing the test and getting a callsign, but I was wrong. Taking it one feature at a time...
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I would do it like we had the Cruiser Assistance Club on ih8mud years ago. Voluntary, very personal information (work/home/cell #s, addresses), what you could offer in assistance (shop, bed for the night, tools..), your vehicles and your level of expertise. Like I said it was completely voluntary and you had to be willing to give a great amount of personal detail but you always had a list while you were travelling of help or resources along the way.

It grew to the point of encompassing the globe. Not sure what killed it.

Just a db of callsigns doesn't really do much, and I have an app on the Droid of the ARRL db.

IMO to make it a real thing and keep commercial interests out, it would be a secured site that allowed individuals to create and edit their own entries, and export a printable list (or pdf, spreadsheet, etc).

I really like the idea of this, it's similar to the SPOT emergency list that was started a little while back on EXPO. I just don't know how much time, money(gas) or energy a person can give this kind of thing(myself included) but I think it's a great plan to try and implement.

I'm always willing to lend a hand if I can, so let me know of your plans and I'll try to be involved to help anywhere I can. I may not have a big shop but on the right angle, we can do a birf job.....

KJ6ISO -Tech.
Icom 2100, not always on mostly for trips at this time.


I really like the idea of this, it's similar to the SPOT emergency list that was started a little while back on EXPO. I just don't know how much time, money(gas) or energy a person can give this kind of thing(myself included) but I think it's a great plan to try and implement.

I'm always willing to lend a hand if I can, so let me know of your plans and I'll try to be involved to help anywhere I can. I may not have a big shop but on the right angle, we can do a birf job.....

KJ6ISO -Tech.
Icom 2100, not always on mostly for trips at this time.

I'll have to look at the SPOT emergency list to see what you mean, because im not entirely familiar with it. My main goal here is that people express ideas they might have on the subject.

I have always read magazines, books, and a few ARRL and IARU publications that HAM operators in emergency operation should stick to assisting communications in an emergency or disaster and resist the temptation to become rescue personnel. Which is understandable. I can see the logic in it if you are strictly a HAM operator. However, many people in this forum are well versed in GPS, navigation, maps, topography, Cartography, aviation, Rescue, paramedic, communications, etc which in my point of view makes for a very interesting group of HAM operators with diverse capabilities. Anyone see my logic??? or Am I just seeing things???

Should this be on a new thread??? would it be worth it? MODS???

PS - Im not asking anyone to become rescue personnel, its only an idea. there can be many ways to help. As there are also a multitude of different types and degrees of emergencies.


I'll have to look at the SPOT emergency list to see what you mean, because im not entirely familiar with it. My main goal here is that people express ideas they might have on the subject.

I have always read magazines, books, and a few ARRL and IARU publications that HAM operators in emergency operation should stick to assisting communications in an emergency or disaster and resist the temptation to become rescue personnel. Which is understandable. I can see the logic in it if you are strictly a HAM operator. However, many people in this forum are well versed in GPS, navigation, maps, topography, Cartography, aviation, Rescue, paramedic, communications, etc which in my point of view makes for a very interesting group of HAM operators with diverse capabilities. Anyone see my logic??? or Am I just seeing things???

Should this be on a new thread??? would it be worth it? MODS???

PS - Im not asking anyone to become rescue personnel, its only an idea. there can be many ways to help. As there are also a multitude of different types and degrees of emergencies.

I think this would benefit more and distract less as a separate thread.


KB8SRK, General Class
Alinco DX-70T, Alinco DR-530, Kenwood TM-261A, Yaesu VX-6R and the list goes on...
Mostly 2M, but occasional HF. Working on getting back into HF as much as possible.


I just passed the exam for a Technician license this morning. Haven't bought a radio yet but have a couple different candidates in mind. This is something I've wanted to do for a long time and it feels good to have accomplished the goal.


Great job!
Living where you do, I hope you're considering getting a multi-mode and having HF as well as FM. There are a couple of great repeater networks up your way, but you don't have to venture too far off the highways in order to lose access to them.


I passed the technician exam last night with a 100% score. Haven't purchased a radio yet but am considering a Yaesu FT 2900. They don't seem too popular in the east, but would expect to use it when out west on trails and RV ing.


Call Sign addition

Forum Name: Rubiconcruiser
Call Sign: KE6HEH, Tech
Location So Cal-Southern Utah
Yaesu, Kenwood 2m, 440, 220 Band
John, WA4DQS, General
Los Angeles
HF, 2m, 70cm, might get onto 30m with code QRP before too long
Prized rig: a Pasquini Liva Auto espresso machine!!! :coffee:


New member
Forum Name: SirWillm
First Name: Will
Callsign : KF7KSX
Radio: Yaesu FT-=60
Freq usually on: 2m/70cm
Location: Washington State


New member
Forum Name: prestidigitizer
First Name: Dave
Callsign: KB3VDE
Radio: none yet
Freq usually on: have only operated 40m under supervision
Location: Pennsylvania


Forum Name: brushogger
First Name: Alan
Callsign: KD5JPK
Radio: Yaesu vx5r and 1800
Freq usually on: 2m and 70cm
Location: Norman, OK

Chazz Layne

Forum Name: Chazz Layne
First Name: Chazz
Callsign: KF7FEN
Radio: Yaesu
Freqs: 2m & 70cm (usually monitoring 146.460)
Location: Prescott, Arizona
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