Hello, meet Elsie.


Thank you. I'm slowly working out the rough patches. Got to get some better seats soon, and quite down the noise a little more, but I'm starting to feel better about long drives with her.



Started on a front bumper today. Just a nice simple clean bumper. I had nothing on there for a long time, and wanted a project to use my new welder with, so bumper it was! 2x4x.188 rectangle tube, with 3/4 tow points. I am going to weld 1/4 plates on the rear, with matching 1/4 plates on the cruiser frame rails. I will drill and tap the bumper, and put bolts through the frame side into it. It should be a nice clean install when it's done. Hoping to get a winch soon, I'd really like to finish the whole bumper and be done with it, but we'll see. I haven't been able to find one locally for a good price.
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Looks good. Been following your build for a while. Nice looking bumper. Your weather is a bit better than mine, been raining steady here (1" per day kind of thing) but I'm hoping
for some snow shots like yours mid week. Looking at an 8274 for winch? Really the only choice for a 40.


Man... it poured all of December here. Then the last week it's been FREEZING cold. Today was the first day that was pretty nice. FInally got some work done on the cruiser yesterday and today.

Today I got the bumper mocked up, and started welding on the brackets to mount the bumper too.


And welded on 1/4 plate onto the bumper. This will give me enough material to drill and tap for the bolts.


And got it test fitted. Pretty happy so far.

I also found a 8274 semi locally, a few hours away, but doable. Won't be able to get it until next weekend, but it's OK. I can wait to finish mounting the bumper now until everything is done. I would much rather have it DONE then have it half done until I buy a winch.


Looking for bigger rocks.
So you are planning on running the bolts from the back? How are you going to get the bolts in with that steering box in the way?


I am going to use studs for those two. There is just enough room to get a nut back there, and so I'll just have to do that for those two. Pain in the ********, but it is what it is.

Got it all mounted up today. Very happy with it. Nice clean stockish look, but more function. I have nice safe pull points now the front and back. It will be a nice platform for a winch once I have one, and I will add on to it whenever that is.




My super secret camping spot.... haha.. not that secret I guess. It's Upper Lola Montez lake. It's a fun area and a rad camp site.. problem is.. only two spots to camp so hopefully no one else is there.


Renaissance Redneck
Hmmm. I googled Lola M before and got an 19th century Scottish dancer... Beautiful spot! I went right past it last time I went to visit friends in Truckee and damn, I think I'll have to go have a look! Not to worry though, it's about three days drive from my house, so I doubt I'll be there too often!
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Ha ha.. yeah, Lola Montez was a dancer who lived in Grass Valley for a time. She's semi famous I guess. The lakes are named for her. It was funny, we could see the lower lake from the cliff above, it looked amazing and we thought it would be great to get to it. So we parked at that lake, and climbed down that cliff down to the lower lake. It was a HELL of a climb down. Really sketchy. We were super excited though, going to go to this awesome lake, no one ever goes to because it's so hard to get down to. We get down there, and there are a couple of older women (60's) and a few young kids running around... uhh... what the heck! There was a hiking trail from highway 80 down to the lower lake and easy to get to. DOH!

Totally worth a side trip, it's a pretty rough road in, but not terrible. For sure 4x4 for the drive down to the lake, it's steep and loose, but not hard... just need that front axle when it gets dusty and loose. Fordyce lake, and Signal Peak are both in the area and very cool to check out too.


Could I get to the camp spot with my 3500 and camper? Or is it a Land Cruiser trail?

No, I would think a fullsize would be fine. There are some tight turns right at the end, at the lake it's self, and I do remember thinking it was pretty tight on the cruiser, but it's really RIGHT at the end. Other then that, it's a rough dirt cobblestone road.

Drove out into the middle of Nevada today and picked up a 8274. SUPER good deal, I'm very excited. I can't wait to get a big hole hacked into my new bumper and the winch mounted up. It's going to be great.

It was only 30 minutes from our favorite place on earth Sand Mt. We got married there and love going out and ridding quads and camping in the desert... I miss it. , we seriously talked about driving the cruiser out there and camping there overnight, and doing some exploring. We ended up deciding it wasn't worth the gas money for an overnight trip all the way out there.. but soon.

On of our wedding picture there:
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