Help/advice needed...for potential amputee


I have to ask for some help for a friend of family facing a tough decision.

He is 65 years old (about) and active, until recently. He has to decide between "treating" his cancer by having his leg amputated just below the knee, or "reconstructing" with donor bone and skin grafts. He is having trouble dealing with his perception of what his limitations will be with a prosthesis, and has few people to talk to about it. Honestly, at the beginning of this struggle, he was OK with loosing the lower leg, but now he has had time to think on it, and the decision is not so easy...

I am getting the story second hand from my Mom, so details are fuzzy. What it all come down to is he needs some experienced advice from the amputee point of view. He needs to be reassured that he will still have an active lifestyle, or be told (gently) that he won't. He has until *edited* Monday, November 3 to make a decision.

If it makes a difference, he and his family are strong Christians, and have faith that God, family, and friends will help them through this. Prayers are also appreciated.

If anyone can offer some time, and would let me pass along your phone number and a good time to call, please PM me here on ExPo.


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2005, 2006 Tech Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
I PM'd a member who might be able to help...
Hang tight....



2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
sorry I missed this thread yesterday...
I have been an amputee for 20yrs and anyone who has met me will tell you there is no limitations other that those you place on yourself.
However I am 39...
There is another amputee person here Michael BajaXplorer who is closer to the age in question and is very active.
I will pm you and forward info to him....

My advice is and always has been to chop it off and get on with life.
I am a RN who works with folks all the time who have to choose and I still feel the same.

You can also direct him to and our recent Continental Divide Expedition which Michael was a part canes, no crutches, no whinning just fun!


2005, 2006 Tech Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
1leglance said:
I have been an amputee for 20yrs and anyone who has met me will tell you there is no limitations other that those you place on yourself.

Yeah, you should have seen Lance digging his FJ Cruiser out of the sand at the ExPo Trophy. No way you would have guessed he has one prosthetic leg.
PLUS...he's got some great Halloween "leg stories" he shares around the campfire. LOL!



I went through what your friend is about 19 years ago. My decision was to amputate (above the knee). However that might not be the best thing for your friend. I would give only this as my advice, Concentrate on getting healthy, ask a lot of question and remember the doctors and nurses work for you, Battling Cancer and going through chemo/radiation will be far more traumatic then losing a leg. I had 24 chemo treatments in 1 1/2 years. If your friend wants he could e-mail me

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