How to build an 80 on a budget


Looking for bigger rocks.
Here is my opinion. If you are going to run 37's and keep the 1FZ, do 5.29's. I found that combo to be great on the street. If you are serious about a motor swap, you can get away with 4.88's and 37's. However, if you are going to swap, you will be $$ ahead by swapping a SBC, 700R4 and 203/205 doublers. One thing to think about is you will probably be at the limits of your axles. You are on a slippery slope, my friend!


Looking for bigger rocks.
Oh, speaking from experience, if I were you I would stick with the stock drivetrain. Go with 5.29's, ARB and 37's. Once you rebuild your cash fund, do a PT kit and low range gears. Next step after that would be Longs in the front. Don't bother putting Poly rear shafts in. The stock ones are CM and you can buy them used for cheap.


Oh Chad, you know me too well. All those things are just on the wish list. In reality I'm still just saving for gears. Not sure if I'll ever do a motor swap in this. I doubt it. If I do, I will definitely keep the stock drivetrain. I really want to drive a rig with 5.29's so I can see the difference.


New member
Brilliant thread mate, the 80 series is the business and to do it budget not mega dollars is great. You did some real bargaining and wheeler dealer stuff. Much more interesting than throwing the chequebook at someone. Cheers



Brilliant thread mate, the 80 series is the business and to do it budget not mega dollars is great. You did some real bargaining and wheeler dealer stuff. Much more interesting than throwing the chequebook at someone. Cheers


Thanks for the kind words! It's been a blast building it so far! Not much left to do at this point, just get out and drive it.


Looking for bigger rocks.
Oh Chad, you know me too well. All those things are just on the wish list. In reality I'm still just saving for gears. Not sure if I'll ever do a motor swap in this. I doubt it. If I do, I will definitely keep the stock drivetrain. I really want to drive a rig with 5.29's so I can see the difference.

Come up to Portland! There are 2 or 3 around that you can drive.


Come up to Portland! There are 2 or 3 around that you can drive.

Haha that's not a trip that's in the cards for me right now. Good news is that I just realized yesterday that the overland expo is the same weekend we are moving from San Diego. Guess ill have to make a pit stop.


Looking for bigger rocks.
Darn, we could have shown you some fun wheeling places! To be honest, driving my 80 with 5.29's and 37's made the truck feel like it was stock again. It's only a couple hundered RPM higher at speed than stock...


Darn, we could have shown you some fun wheeling places! To be honest, driving my 80 with 5.29's and 37's made the truck feel like it was stock again. It's only a couple hundered RPM higher at speed than stock...

Interesting. I've actually never driven a stock 80 either lol! Mine had 315's on it when I bought it.


Well, this thread got neglected...

In three days it will be a year since I have posted on here. Man how time flies! The past year has been crazy. Let me try and update everything that has gone on with my wife and I, as well as the truck.

I think I left off with my trip to johnson valley where I finally lost some flares on the truck. Well I ended up pulling them all instead of trying to put them back on.

April 2013 was a big month for us. On the first I was promoted to Sergeant, an E-5. I was very honored to be promoted this fast in my first enlistment. I joined the Corps not knowing much about rank structure, or even really thinking what I would be when I got out, but there is a special place for Sergeants. But alas, all good things must come to an end, or so they say. May 4th 2013 came much quicker than I could have ever imagined. That was the day that my active duty contract was over. I had spent 4 great years wearing the uniform of the worlds greatest fighting force. I had deployed in support of operation enduring freedom and had done my job in a literal hell on earth. I had many mixed emotions when that day came. I was full of excitement for what the future held, but at the same time I was so sad to be leaving my brothers. For those that have served, you know that once you leave active duty, its just not quite the same. No one can take from you what you did while you served, but it was time to pass the torch.

After I got out, I wanted to go on a soul searching trip. I wanted to find out who I really was inside. What had changed about me, and what was the same. How was I better for my service, and what ghosts would follow me the rest of my life. I figured the best place for this type of sojourn was Moab Utah. Moab has a special place in my heart from when I was a kid and my dad took me down there for a mountain biking trip. It was right during easter jeep safari of 2005? When we got there and I saw all those offroad machines, I was hooked. I still remember like it was yesterday riding part of pritchett canyon and seeing a first gen 4runner tackling an obstacle with such finesse, that it has left a lifelong impact on me. Moab also worked out great because We had decided to move to San Antonio Texas, but would go visit family in SLC Utah for a few weeks. Moab was almost right on the way for me.

So I packed all my gear into the 80, and headed off solo. Ready to explore the red rock and get ready for life in the civilian world! This is the only pic I have of my pre moab travels. I had stopped in at SD Trux for the last time to get L/O/F done and a pre moab inspection. Once that was done, I was on my way!


Moab, place of dreams

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of my road trip from San Diego to Moab. I honestly don't even remember it. I guess It was rather uneventful.
You will have to bare with me, as I don't remember where all these were taken... This was early on, because its the only picture I have of a clean car.

I know that this was on Fins n' things. What a fun trail! It's the perfect warm up to Moab, especially if you have never been.

This one of the pictures I really love from the trip. At night I would just make a fire and sit there with my thoughts to keep me company. Looking into fire can be quite relaxing.

One day while I was there I went to Arches National Park. That's a great place to be. It's beautiful! Here is the mandatory cruiser shot.

I couldn't go to arches and not hike delicate arch!

I loved the beauty all around.

I guess this is the only picture I have of this. But not far from where I was camping (pack creek) I found a little swimming hole. I would go there almost every night and take a dip. It was a great way to keep clean and relax for a bit after a long day.

Here is the cruiser at camp

And all my gear.

Last one, this is when I made it up to Murray from Moab.

Those are really about all the pictures I have from moab. That's the bummer when you travel alone, there is no one to take pictures. But it's ok. I ran a few other trails while I was out there, kane creek, half of poison spider mesa (it started raining and I didn't want to get stuck out there alone) and I can't remember the name of the other one.. But like I said, It was great. I loved being down there and having nothing to do. No one to report to, no where to be, I was completely on my own schedule. I hope that I can make it back sometime this year, maybe again in May between semesters. I'll keep my fingers crossed!


This thread makes me want an 80 now.
I have been on the fence of CC truck w/topper vs 80 series. It's nice to know that a reasonably capable 80 series can be built on a budget...especially with that dang "toyota tax"


I read this thread in real time back when you were keeping it updated and always found it entertaining. This is the perfect update after a hiatus. Looks like a fun, yet peaceful trip.


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