Lighting The Campsite Perimeter


Expedition Leader
I carry at least one lantern and occasionally tiki torches (with citronella oil) and/or a double mantle lantern. I hate trying to make camp or prep dinner in the dark and I do occasionally enjoy sitting around playing cards at night, socializing and having a drink.

That said, I almost always have on a headlamp and if I'm by myself I rarely use a lantern other than for setting up or cooking.

Mike S

Sponsor - AutoHomeUSA
Maybe this has been discussed, but why do you need to light the perimeter of your camp? Something I have never thought about, personally.


For backpacking trips just the candle lantern works fine. If we're doing a group trip with a bunch of friends we'll set up 2 coleman lanterns for playing cards, etc.

Smudge pots? I'd bet either the dog or one of the kids would manage to either turn it over or burn themselves. I can't imagine if the flame is at ground level it would give a lot of light.

Tiki torches... so you're pounding holes in the ground that require hammers. Not quite 'leave no trace'...

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
I agree with alot of the others about not wanting the camp lit at night other than by my headlamp

But if you need to have it lit, why not just use a few of those $2 LED Solar Lamps you can buy at Wally World or Home Depot. Have a few out and not worry about burning the campground down and never have to worry about burning out the batteries or leaving it left on




I still don't get this thread or why anyone would want to light up a campsite at night. It's the antithesis of why we go out there IMO.


Lighten up guys. There is no purity test here. Some people like a well lit camp and some don't.

Usually, when it gets dark, we go to bed. We've been out driving and hiking all day and want to be ready to go again at sunrise. We are not big on campfires anymore. In the Sierras, the fire danger, summer and fall is so great, they are usually not allowed, so we've gotten used to it. If we are with a group we'll stay up later and have a few lights around the area. We'll usually put a one or two of the little solar led lights out near the the porta-potty, and near any trip hazards like guy ropes.

Our trailer is equipped with a couple of led flood light for late arrival setup. We also carry an led lantern that we'll use when we turn in. We gave up on our propane lantern. Every time we dug it out, the mantles were broken and occasionally the globe.


A bit of camp-lite humor...

What a let down.

; )

----but on lighting the camp? We use a single LED lantern near the kitchen and a citronella candle during certain seasons.
The great story excuses your thread necromancy.

The OP's idea of smudge pots strikes me wrong on a number of levels.

First I live where you can't even use a Coleman stove with out a fire permit most years.

Second I have a vision of those nice round fire pots getting accidentally kicked and turning into rolling drip torches lighting even the wettest forest on fire.

Third we don't even have campfires when it is permitted much any more, the night sky is much more pleasing. Occasionally we will have a restaurant style table candle.

LED head lamps are great for task lighting but fail for walking IMHO. I prefer a AA mini mag. I keep it in my pocket and use it when I need to get around, it's light is strong enough to see obstacles but not bright enough to totally kill my night vision.


Camping without a campfire ?!? Blasphemy! We've gone through a truckload of wood in a night before... and gone back for refills!

On backpacking trips its different. Very small fire, just for atmosphere. I've never camped somewhere there was a burn ban. I'd probably cancel the trip if it were that dry.


If it's allowed, a small campfire (not some sort of white man bonfire), is completely different than lighting the perimeter of a camp. It adds to the experience whereas blasting light all over takes away from it. I don't care if you do it but I hope we aren't camped anywhere near each other (which is why I almost never stay in campgrounds of any kind; I don't want neighbors).

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