New GXV Expedition Vehicle.


Western Dirt Rat
The 300 horsepower C7 produced peak power at 2,200 rpm with the torque peaking at 800 ft.lbs. at 1440 rpm. HP is almost irrelevant, its all about tourque. If you're cruising at the governor, you're burning more fuel than you need to. No 6 cylinder diesel I know of likes to cruise at red line all day. Diesel 101.


I am interested in what is meant by "don't like", red line is established by Caterpillar and the engine will run comfortable and safely at that RPM. I think it's virtually impossible to use up one of these motors in a non-commercial use.

Put higher gears in; the engine is putting out LESS horsepower at the same MPH that will result in higher top speed but you are going to get there slower not quicker.

To state that changing the gearing will put the engine into a more suitable RPM range is saying that the trained experienced professionals at Caterpillar, Allison, Stewart & Stevenson and all the others who contributed don't know what they are doing.

Your forgetting that the paramters this truck was designed for was not so much so...... "lets set the engine at xyz parameters for most efficient performance" but more so of a compromise that leaned toward..... being more "idiot Soldier-proof along with having maybe 60% WORK ability and 40% highway driving" ability .... you might say. (on average) End result is the engine is at parameters that really kept the truck barely into the CATs best power curve at pretty margional speeds. Changing the gears allows for highway speed to have little more weight in the compromise while not really taxing the power curve any more. IMHO


The 300 horsepower C7 produced peak power at 2,200 rpm with the torque peaking at 800 ft.lbs. at 1440 rpm. HP is almost irrelevant, its all about tourque. If you're cruising at the governor, you're burning more fuel than you need to. No 6 cylinder diesel I know of likes to cruise at red line all day. Diesel 101.

Roger that


Fuel consumption is a factor of HP produced. You move the vehicle with HP. HP is totally relevant, you can't produce "movement" without it.


HowardH bases on your last 2 comments i think you either have no idea of what you are talking about or you are just being difficult.

1) no engine that has been tuned to go into a truck likes to be run at its max rpm.
2) putting higher gears (I would of said lower) in will not get you there slower, unless you way over spec it that it can not even take off in first gear and even then you could not even buy something like that.
3) CAT, Allison did not build that engine or tranny for that truck, they were for the price the best suited items thay had on the shelf.
4) When looking at a truck engine you look at torque and the usable rev range of that torque, HP just comes with it. You cant buy a engine with all torque and 0 HP so im not sure why you even bothered with your last post.

Back on topic very very nice truck and a decent mpg you must be very happy with that.
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