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Seeing as how I don't plan to do a lot of wheeling they might stay for a bit. Also 2 years ago I had a bad bike crash up in whistler that tore 3 ligaments, fractured my tibia, dislocated my patella, ruptured my meniscus so the side step while a trail hindrance helps me climb up into the truck


Went mountain biking today. Took it from long beach to the top of the Ortega and back no issues besides some worn suspension bits. Pretty stoked on the truck.

I will say the seats are ************* terrible.


In the saga of just bought vehicle. P0421 code thrown today. Passenger precat below efficiency. Time to order a new one. I think I can hear it rattling around when I accelerate.


I will say the seats are ************* terrible.

Looks like you have a power seat on the driver side. Agreed - those sit terrible after the foam wears out. The manual seats with good foam are actually quite comfortable.


Looks like you have a power seat on the driver side. Agreed - those sit terrible after the foam wears out. The manual seats with good foam are actually quite comfortable.

This ones def. been worn. Seems to list a bit towards the interior. Its also a bit higher seated than i'd like. So Im thinking of looking into modding some VW seats from a mk5 and up to work. Since I had planned on redoing the interior anyhow it seems like a good time to pick a slight bit lower seat thats more comfortable. If I could i'd get seats from an C6 and up Audi A6. Those are super comfy, and low. I'd like to be about .5"-1" lower at the base. with the ability to adjust back up to near stock height.


Sweet rig dude! While I was abroad looking at trucks to buy when I got back, I was lusting over this one pretty hard. Glad someone on the forum snapped it up, and for a good deal too! I had a double-take moment when I saw your first post because I knew I'd seen the truck before. I just bought an '03 Montero Sport so it makes me happy to know there are more Mitsu guys in SoCal. Meet and greet, anyone?


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In regards to the seating situation. Are you thinking fitting something from another truck or car, or buying something new?

Some of the most comfortable seats I've ever sat in were any Volvo leather seats. Would make a sweet swap in if you can find a pair.

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