Nikon D7000 Info.


Expedition Leader
First big issue. My third party lenses won't autofocus. I put on my Sigma 150mm macro this morning and nothing. Tried my Tamron 24-135MM, nothing. My Nikon lenses work just fine. I dug around a bit and I see there are a few reports of this problem starting to show up. Not good.

This can't possibly be by design, there MUST be a reason/fix....but yeah, not good.


Expedition Leader
First big issue. My third party lenses won't autofocus. I put on my Sigma 150mm macro this morning and nothing. Tried my Tamron 24-135MM, nothing. My Nikon lenses work just fine. I dug around a bit and I see there are a few reports of this problem starting to show up. Not good.

From Nikon USA:

Compatible Lenses:
Type G or D AF NIKKOR: All functions supported
IX Nikkor lenses cannot be used
DX AF NIKKOR: All functions possible
AF-NIKKOR for F3AF not supported
AI-P NIKKOR: All functions supported except 3D color matrix metering II
PC Micro-NIKKOR does not support some functions
Non-CPU: Can be used in modes A and M; color matrix metering and aperture value display supported if user provides lens data (AI lenses only)
Electronic rangefinder can be used if maximum aperture is f/5.6 or faster
Other AF NIKKOR: All functions supported except 3D color matrix metering II

Sure looks like it should support Sigma, Tokina, and Tamron lenses...that's a bummer. I hope it's something Nikon can address for you.

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
The problem is with my camera. I went to the store today and their demo model worked with my lenses. What was strange was the problem was intermittent. We reset the camera and the first lens we popped on worked, then we changed the lens and it didn't, went back to the first lens that had been working and nothing. They have another camera on its way for me so hopefully the problem is limited to just a few.
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Michael Slade

Bummer...but good. I am having issues with my 28-70 not being seen by the CPU. It comes and goes. I hope I don't have to send it in.

Michael Slade

My daughter is playing volleyball in a dimly lit church tonight. I'll take the camera and put it through it's paces... This should be fun.

Michael Slade

I shot with a Nikkor 300 2.8 AF/S something something something....

I will post links tonight...

EDIT: Looking through the footage none of it is really worth looking at. The files look smooth and the color is great, but the autofocus...sheeshe...I am missing something because it was struggling until I kept hitting the shutter button to remind it to focus. I need to read up on autofocus...I am used to large format cameras and haven't really ever learned how to autofocus these cameras.
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Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
Hey Michael, was the camera set to AF-A or AF-S? If so that could have been it. Stick it on AF-C. I've also found that it's best not to use 3D-tracking during indoor sporting events. The 3D tracking stores colour information from the area around the focus point and uses that colour information to aid in tracking your subject. I think it can get confused when you have other players all wearing same colour uniforms. I've taken pictures at a number of hockey games and what has worked best for me, at least with my D700, is to put it on AF-C, Dynamic area, and depending on how close to the action I am, either 51 or 21 focus points. 21 if I'm close to the action, 51 if I'm further away.
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Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
Couple thoughts on the auto white balance setting. This camera has what Nikon calls Auto-1 and Auto-2. Auto-1 works just as you would expect, but Auto-2 does some kind of magic thing where it keeps the right white balance with cool toned colours but somehow warms up warm toned colours. It's very nice with skin tones in natural light. I tried it out with my wife this morning,'ll have to trust me, I don't think she'd appriciate me posting her picture when she just rolled out of bed. Here's my stand in model however. These two shots are straight out of the camera jpgs, with all the settings set the same with the exception of the white balance. The first shot is Auto-1 the second is Auto-2. You'll notice the highlights are warmer in #2.


Michael Slade

My first project with the D7000 is finished and uploaded.

You can see it here.

Overall I am very happy with how it turned out. But...I have some things I'm not happy with in this piece, mainly the editing and the final output quality. I will re-edit the entire piece and upload that one as well. I know that there were a few who wanted to see this, so here it is...lumps and all.

Working with video is a huge learning curve. There is a LOT to learn. Hopefully the next time out will be smoother...this one had a few rough spots in the road.
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Michael Slade

Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate them.

I wasn't quite happy with how the compression and lack of shadow detail was in the last piece, and I realized that I had set up the initial file in Final Cut as a 4:3 ratio and not 16:9.


I went ahead and spent the better part of last week's spare time re-editing it in Adobe Premiere (which, I have to admit I prefer quite a bit better...).

The piece looks SO MUCH better now. I am ashamed that I posted the initial piece at all. It was a good learning experiment, but I am much more happy with how it looks now, especially in HD.

If you would like to download a very VERY high-res version of it, you may do so at the following link. BE is about 230mb big. But, if you want to see what the camera can do, you might want to take a look.


All of the side-to-side pans of the 5x7 and 2 1/4 images were done in Premiere, the vertical pan and the sweeping curve pan, as well as the pan-down of the scrap-book was shot with the D7000, the final scrap-book shot done on manual focus.

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