Nissan Photos - post your's

The BN Guy

Expedition Leader
JP why do you keep insisting on turning us so green with envy?!?!

Love the Patrol man! Looks like it'd be very fun to run!


JP why do you keep insisting on turning us so green with envy?!?!

Love the Patrol man! Looks like it'd be very fun to run!

Hey thanks man, it is, well it suck fuel like a Tank and its slow for the modern world, but when the road ends, the smiles pouring out of your mouth are unending .. :elkgrin:


New member
Hi, I am the new guy and here are my pics.






Expedition Leader
Sick truck E4x4Eric... and welcome to the Portal.

Cool to see an Sas'd Frontier, I haven't seen many around, yours looks well thought out eh...



PS: Totaly OT but... BNguy: Did YOU convert your Frontier from 2wd to 4wd??? I thought I remembered a thread somehwere where you did the conversion. The reason I ask is I have a Friend who has a Frontier and wants to do the same thing. I haven't really gotten to look at the truck to see what all this entails but I know that Toyota guy's have done the same thing somewhat frequently... Unfortunately I have NO experience with Nissans in this realm. I'm also a little confused with his description of the rtuck he bought because he almost describes a "Pre-Runner" style truck and AFAIK Nissan never made the 2wd Fronty with the 4wd Suspension etc. Am I work in this??? Is there a "lifted" Pre-runner style 2wd Frontier??? Anywho Any help or dierctions you could point me in would be greatly appreciated by both myself and my Buddy who's truck this will benefit (I'll benefit too, always good to ahve another frind to go wheeling with eh.) I'm going to try to get him pointed towards the Expo Portal but he's not much of a web savvy guy...

I was thinking that Inchowrm gear would be a good place to start with adapters etc, but I was wondering if maybe just a donor 4wd would sufice for the tranny, crossmembers suspension etc. It's a 1st Gen and he got it for a mere 500$ because a guy owed him some money and the truck had been rear-ended in last year's one day of snow we saw :rolleyes: so basicly his lan is to make a custom flat bed- and convert it to 4wd. How different is the 2wd Chasis from the 4wd. Like I said my knowledge base is with Non-N.American Nissans and Toyotas (Toy's run the samr chaisi under their older trucks wether 2wd or 4wd, it merely comes down to the suspension and the bell-housing not having a spot to mesh up eith the T-case blah blah blah)

Sorry to Muddy this thread up, if anyone has any good ideas or things to share, maybe PM me with some details. Like I said, I'm doing the research for my buddy who's almost as big a Nissan nut (cars AND trucks including building several Datsun/Nissan race-cars and a sweet Desert pre-Runner out of an older, formerly 4wd Hard-body... It's REALLY cool and I should get some pics up for you Nissan guys here.
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Here's mine. I just got 295/70/17 Nitto Terra Grapplers mounted to the bedlined factory Off Road rims. Now I have to work on a winch mount and sliders.


  • myT1.jpg
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The BN Guy

Expedition Leader
Not to thread-jack but...

Nope 4Rescue, Stormy is pure 4wd. Now on the other hand I did originally have a 2wd that was the same color and I lifted it but realized I wanted to go more places. So I looked into a conversion but several people helped me make the decision to simply upgrade and find a 4wd version.

Is it easy? Not too bad. Money is the issue. You have to buy a new transmission, t-case, front diff, drive shafts etc. It can be done and I know of at least two that were done successfully.


Expedition Leader
Cool truck eh... Yet another SAS'd Frontier. COOL.

And Alex why exactly wouldn't he need me to do the research??? EDIT: Ahh I see, the 4wd to 2wd conversion... It was done by just hacking everything up front off (the whole truck is based off a tube chasis and leaving the T-case in for a Low-range option should it be needed (he made it a divorced unit and moved it back in the chasis. He then fab'd a large cross-over swing arm system (think left wheel mounted to swing arm that mounts to the right side of the engine/suspension cage and vice-versa with two massive King bypass shocks and some Air-bumps...) That thing is SO much fun to get out in teh dunes and play with. he swaped in a VQ-series v-6 from a new gen X/Frontier adn it dogoes like a cut cat eh. PLus it's VERY quiet (he was a marine who used those little patrol dune buggies in Iraq) as he runs extra mufflers (no cats). It's so cool cause you can hear the sand barking as you cut big turns and it almost feels like it's electric powered since it's so quiet. It just pulls and pulls without making any real noise... Such a neat truck

Maybe I should start my own thread here so sorry in advance for the OT convo in this thread.

I realize he's got alot of fab experience, but frankly he really doean't have that much 4wd experience. Money not really an issue, he runs a fab shop here in Portland so things that would cost us average men a bundle he can just do in his free time. he's single with no kids to support so he's got THAT going for him in the money department...

Thanks BN Guy, maybe that's what I was thinking of, you HAD a 2wd but finaly bought a 4wd... The capper is he also has a full FZJ 80 Drivetrain with a swaped in H55 and a Paret-time 4wd Conversion. IS there any adapter out there to mate the H55 and Toyota T-case to his Nissan engine (I belive his is the SC'd 3.3???) Would he be ahead to throw the FZJ motor underneath it??? I gotta think that a lighter truck like the Frontier would maybe be able to eek out better milage from the FZJ motor the hauling around an 80-series usualy net's you... Maybe I' m wrong. It sure would be, to me, a nice frankenNissan with a heel for stout drivetrain under the lighter truck that is the Frontier. Oh and the 80 has both F/R E-lockers and is set up on 4.88 diffs so there's alot of stuff already done to the rig's drivetrain that could save alot of money (guy brought the truck in after it got totaled and then coudn't pay the bill and just dissapeared...stupid if you ask me...)


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